Champagne, cocaine, gasoline

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And most things in between.
Song: "Don't threaten me with a good time" by Panic! at the Disco.
There is a drug mention in this chapter.

Gerard got to the bar in record time tonight. He showed the note to Ray, and he said, "ok, you should probably check it out but keep a low profile." And Gerard trusted Ray so he took the advice. Gerard arrived at the bar, in some casual clothes, (just jeans and a hoodie really) so he would look like a regular pub goer. He twisted his longish red coloured hair around his finger, he was nervous about going since he hadn't been near a pub in nearly two months  now.

He walked in and all the memories came flooding back in. To when was a bit of a party animal, and he used alcohol and drugs to numb the pain. It was a part of his life that he wasn't proud of but it moulded him into the person he was today. Anyway, enough of that sentimental stuff. He cautiously walked to the bar, and sat on a stool, surveying his surroundings. The pub was dimly lit with loud music, and even louder people. The song that was playing was "R U mine?" by the Arctic Monkeys.

Gerard sighed and ordered a Coke when the bartender came over to him. He was incredibly young for a bartender, Gerard noticed, probably about college age, with floppy brown-blond hair and green eyes. Well he guessed that the kid was trying to make some money since student loans are ridiculously high.

Another group of people walked into the bar, dark clothing and keeping to themselves. There was about four of them and they all ordered drinks and one person put it on their tab. One of them, who was fairly short but no less threatening with all their tattoos came towards Gerard.
"Hey sugar," a voice he knew all too well said.

It was Frank Iero.
Shit. He should have known the note was from him.

"What brings you here?" he said in a deep, seductive voice.
"You're far too pretty for a place like this."
That voice got Gerard weak at the knees. He loved dirty talk. He was getting very aroused right now. This was not part of the plan.

"Why don't you come over here and have a drink with me and my friends,"
"I don't drink,"
"Why not,"
"Got sober two months ago and I'm not planning on relapsing any time soon,"
"Attitude, I like that," he said and led Gerard away to the back of the room in a secluded corner were three burly looking men. They all looked up as Frank returned with this stranger, who the hell was this?

"Boys this is the guy I've telling you all about," he said, "come on introduce yourselves,"
"Rob, Dewees, and Jarrod." They said in unison.
"Uh, hi I'm Gerard," Gee stuttered, he wanted to say something but also didn't want to seem weak in front of them.
"These are some of my... associates," Frank said to Gerard as he pulled out a chair for him. He sat down and sipped at his Coke.

The gang split a bottle of expensive champagne between them. Clinking glasses and laughing together. If he hadn't known any better, Gerard would have thought that they were just a group of friends and not an infamous gang. Then one of them, he couldn't remember pulled out a small baggie of white powder.

Gerard froze. The temptation of his old vice was calling to him but he ignored it as best as he could as the three men Frank introduced him to snorted it up their noses. Frank, strangely enough, didn't partake in this.
"Gerard, are you ok, babe?" Frank asked with genuine concern in his voice.
"An old vice," he said and turned away from the sight of it.
"I won't pry," Frank said, putting an arm around Gerard and comforting him. The three other guys were fucked out and they couldn't move they were so stoned.

"Come on let's get out of here," he said pulling Gerard's hand and leading him out of the bar, leaving a tip for their drinks. Gerard was put in the passenger seat of Frank's car, an Audi v6. Frank revved the engine and they drove off into the night.

That was a really cheesy ending I'm sorry.

But updates will be more frequent, I hope. And the next chapter will have some sin in it.
- Alex

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