If we wait it may too late

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Song: "Weighted" by FrnkIero and the Cellabration.

The click of the gun echoed in the room. The man with the gun had a grin Frank wanted to punch off his face. Honestly he had a face only a mother could love.
Gee was cowering in fear behind Frank. He couldn't even describe how scared he was. Frank hadn't lifted a finger against this guy and he was going to shoot him.

"Where do you think you're going sweetheart?" What's-his-name spat at Gee. Using that condescending sweetness Frank had used so often when he was in trouble. It just wasn't right in his head.
"Away from you and this stinking hovel," Gee said, sticking his tongue out for lack of another witty comeback.

Frank took this moment of distraction from the shooter to pick Gerard up and run towards the cage where Mikey was held. Mikey had a paper clip he was twisting into a thin wire for picking the lock on the door.
"What are you doing here?! You need to get out!" he hissed at the both of them.
"Hold on!" Frank said, as he got his set of lock picks from his pocket. The lock was child's play for him.

The grate swung open and Mikey clambered out. Gerard had described him as tall and lanky and his words rang true as Mikey stood up to his full height.
"Come on let's get out of here, does everyone have their stuff and know the way out?" Frank called to the group.
Cue chorus of yes muuuum. Mikey was a little shaky on his feet but the boy is as stubborn as a mule so he tried as best he could. Weeks of crawling around on his knees I guess.

They were running as fast as they could towards the light behind the door, to sweet salvation. Shots rang through the air as they ran, but none of them were actually directed at them. More so shot of rage at how easily Gee and Mikey were taken from under their noses.
Everyone was panting by the time they got out the door and back into the lounge. It was still filled with people off their heads on God knows what.

"Come on, I've parked outside," Frank said, pulling Gee and Mikey along with him.
"Wait where are we going?" Mikey asked,
"Somewhere safe," Frank muttered as he pulled them along.

A bang sounded in the air, Frank's screams of pain. Blood spreading on his shirt at the shoulder. Gerard crying as his love was hurt. Mikey trying to get them to safety.

Frank felt the cold night air hit his face as he saw the car car door being shut beside him and Gerard starting it. Mikey's frantic voice as he called 911. Then blackness as he drifted into unconsciousness.

I'm sorry this so late, I have literally had no motivation to write and my new anti-anxiety and ADHD meds are fucking around with my sleep so I'm so bloody tired.
But next chapter is the conclusion of the story is coming up, are you ready?
- Alex.

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