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     "Chloe?," Barry asked as he helped me up.
     "Thanks...I'm okay, Bar. Are you?" I asked as I looked him over. He seemed alright. We could both stand, so that was a positive.
      "Yeah, but I'm more worried about you." I looked down at myself. I could see a few abrasions here and there, but nothing too bad.
     "I'm fine!", I insisted. We looked back at the table, which was very small in the distance. I sighed. We had to go all the way back eventually, but I didn't really feel like running again.
      "What happened out there guys?" Cisco asked through the helmets as the signal came back.
      "Still working out the kinks," I responded, jokingly. Barry chuckled.
      "Yeah, I think the breaks need to be checked," Barry said with a smile.
  "We'll ne meeting you shortly back at our lab for a follow up," Cisco demanded. I nodded.
      "See you soon," I told the team before taking off my helmet and fixing my helmet hair. Barry and I shared a glance.
"The walk back is a few miles. I don't want to wait that long...But at the same time, I'm a little achy from running already."
"Push through the pain, I guess," Barry said before speeding off towards the lab. With a long sigh, I readied myself into running position and followed.
       When we got to the lab, the team wasn't back just yet. The lights came on automatically, but no paper piles were damaged. As I looked over at the computer table, all the papers were covered with paperweights.
"They learn quickly," I said as I examined the lab further. On the screen were Barry and I's charts.
"We do learn quickly," Wells said as he wheeled into the cortex with the rest of the team behind him.
      "I was surprised to see that you two suffered no major fractures or broken bones as a results of your crash at Ferris Air." Caitlin examined our charts.
"We monitored this through the suits." Caitlin walked over to us and shined a light in our faces.
"All that is visible now are a few abraisons and cuts, but those should heal rather quickly."
"You have to accept that these abilities you were given are truly remarkable," Dr Wells said as he wheeled around us. "But as far as we know, you aren't the only two who were given abilities from the accelerator." My eyebrows furrowed and I turned my head.
"What? There are others like us out there?".
"Yes. But unlike you, these...Metahumans...
Use their powers for evil rather than good. That is why we need heroes like you."
"And what makes you think we have the expertise? We're Forensic scientists," I said, looking between Barry and I. I scoffed. "You saw us out there today...We have no control over our powers."
"Not yet..." Dr Wells said with a pause. "Let us help you...Cisco can be your ears on the streets, watching over cameras and satellites, Caitlin can assist with medical help, and I can be here as a guide and trainer." I shook my head.
"It's going to take a lot more than a team. We don't have propper training or skills...We don't have any costume or way to conceal ourselves. We're starting from the ground up here."
     "Not exactly," Cisco said as he raised a finger in the air and stood up from his chair. He took a few steps to the back of the room infront of a closet door.
"I've been working on something...You know I'm a comic book nerd, so ofcourse, I have done cosplay before. This idea originally started out as a costume idea, but after meeting you guys I worked all night to come up with a more practical design to suit you and your abilities." Cisco raised his hand towards the door and pushed a button on the remote he held in his hand. The doors opened, revealing two comic book hero like suits. One was a dark maroon/red color with streaks of gold and a lighting bolt emblem on the chest. The other suit was a deep pink with the same lightning bolt emblem on the chest and small bands of gold trim. Both were full body: mask, arm, leg, and chest coverage. My mouth gaped as I looked at the sight. I walked closer and felt the material. I had been doubting this entire time, but now I was finally beginning to see the possibility.
"Cisco...How did you—."
"I don't sleep."
     "Cisco, this is sweet!" Barry said in awe as he examined his suit.
      "Tri-polymer fabric so you can run around and fight crime in it and not smoke up the place." I laughed. "It also has a built in headset, speaker, camera, and we can manage your vitals while you're wearing the suit."
"This is amazing Cisco!" I said as I stepped back from the closet. "Im starting to see now that this could work. It'll take a lot of training and adapting, but I think we can do it. Not to mention, we have to keep this from Joe and Iris." The trio of doctors nodded.
"An identity is one of the hardest secrets to keep, especially from the ones we care about. We need to agree that no one else knows about this until we feel like the time is right. It could put them in danger if an enemy finds out the connection." I understood Wells' words fully. But it would be too much for Iris and Joe to understand. They just got us back after 10 months, and we come in and tell them we're disguising ourselves as heroes and fighting crime. Something tells me that wouldn't sit well.
"I understand fully."
"We will get you training soon so we can get you out on the streets as soon as possible."
"Off to juggle two jobs...".
"After you get started and learn to use your speed, forensics is going to look like more of a hobby."
     "We're going to keep track of the metahumans. If they get too out of control quick, you may have to get on the streets sooner than planned."
"The Arrow takes care of Metahumans in Starling, maybe we can call him to help." Cisco's gaze was quickly focused on Barry.
"You have his number?" Cisco asked excitedly. Barry shook his head.
"I have met him once of twice. He needed some CSI help from Central City's best." Barry stood a little taller and fixed his coat. I patted his back and nodded my head sarcastically.
"Could you give me a hint?" Cisco asked. Barry shook his head. Cisco slumped in his chair. "All I've ever wanted is to see a Superhero collab...YouTube collabs get boring after a while."
"Captain did give us an unlimited amount of time to return back to work, so we can start as soon as—."
"8am sharp tomorrow morning," said Dr Snow as she placed her clipboard down and crossed her arms.
"Tomorrow at 8 am it is...". I nodded my head.
"Rest up, you start your training tomorrow," said Wells as he wheeled to the back of the room. I smiled.

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now