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I woke up to the sound of dripping water. I looked over to see banana peels all over the ground and shackles. I couldn't move, I was stuck. And my headache had finally gone away.
"Glad to see you awake, Flashette," Grodd said.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Humans do bad on Grodd, so I do bad on them."
"But that was Eiling. Everyone doesn't have to pay for his mistakes."
"Yes they do!" He said slamming his hands on the ground. He walked over to me and began to choke me. I struggled for air and listened as he spoke to himself.
He let go, and I hacked and coughed until I could breathe.
Grodd left me alone for a while, until I felt the ground rumble and saw him speeding towards me.
He came to a halt in front of me and broke the chains I was held with easily. He picked me up like a ragdol and carried me to the train station.
He threw me against the tracks and looked my way. He turned around when he heard the sound of a familiar voice. My hero, my superman: Barry. He stood in the hole that Grodd made upon entering with some sort of device on his head. Grodd tried messing with him, but it was no use. The device was successful at it's purpose and Barry was able to face Grodd.
I watched everything, from the time Barry was winning, to the time Grodd was winning. And it came the time to make my move as I witnessed Barry draw what seemed to be his final breath. Grodd hunched over Barry laughing and snorting.
"You can't beat me. Grodd wins again. I have you both now, and no one is here to save you. Any last words?"
"You should be asking yourself that question," I said shaking as I stood up.
"I thought I handled you....Such a hero....What are you going to do?"
"This," I said putting my hands in front of me and waving them in a circular motion. That created 2 tornado like cyclones and the base of my fingers. The cyclone grew and I pointed towards Grodd. I thrusted my hands foreword and the cyclone shot at Grodd. He flew back towards the wall, crashing into it. I placed a tracker on him and sped away with Barry. I brought him back to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"Barry is beat. He wouldn't do anything else until he found a way to save you. He really loves you Chloe," Cisco said.
"I know."
"We also had a small encounter with a villain. He didn't have powers, so not a meta, but he had firearms and he tried going after you. Barry put him in the pipeline, and you wouldn't believe who it was: Eiling. He was acting very strange. He kept saying he was Grodd, even though he isn't, and he couldn't say any simple phrases. Caitlin's working on some tests, while we are working on things around here.
Eddie has also been missing for a week, and we didn't say anything because you guys didn't need all that stress with the whole Reverse Flash thing, but Joe found him yesterday in the sewers while we were looking for a way to rescue you." A voice came over the loudspeaker, and as soon as Barry heard, he got out of bed and sped over to me:
"Well done every one, I see you've figured out the truth. I'm surprised it took all of you this much time to figure it out. I tried to make it easy for you," Wells spoke.
"You killed our parents and put my dad in jail. Why? FACE US NOW!"
"I will accept that challenge Mr and Mrs Allen. If you can catch me..." he challenged. Cisco tracked the signal and we met him on the roof of the location.
"Catch me if you can," he challenged before we sped after him. He led us to this empty lot and challenged us to a fight. But we were ready. Like if it were rehearsed, the Arrow shot a zipline and swung in next to us.
"Digging the new threads Bruh," Barry joked about Oliver's new suit.
"Trying something new," he replied before Firestorm came in next.
"Am I late?" He asked.
"Right on time," Barry said before we began the brawl.
      Wells made a fist at us and his ring turned into a suit that fit to his body within seconds. We could tell through the earpiece that Cisco was curious and jealous.
        Firestorm took shots from midair while the Arrow shot him with poisonous arrows and created a distraction. The arrows didn't phase him, but he was slowing down.
       Barry and I used hand to hand combat on him and a few tricks we learned with help from the team.
         After a long night of battling and techniques, he was defeated and we won.
"I got you," Barry said confidently. He turned to the team and gave them all a bro hug. He came over to me, gave me a kiss, picked me up, and spun me in a circle.
"We got him, we got him," Barry kept muttering under his breath. I looked directly into his eyes and saw the tears forming. I gave him another kiss and told him: "I know, I know," patting his back.

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now