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Barry and I took advantage of our powers and used them to finish the labs. Captain was surprised with our work ethic. ;) The night was late, but we had to stay up even longer because there was another attack.
"Central City Train Station, go!" Cisco said before we sped to the scene. Captain Cold was there with his gun.
"Well look who it is. Isn't it the scarlet speedster and his little pet."
"What do you want Leonard?" I asked.
"I want to talk...with my gun.." He said before he blasted Barry with his cold gun. Barry's torso was covered in ice and he yelled in pain.
"Barry's vitals are going down. Do something!" Caitlin said through the earpiece. I ran towards Leonard and tackled him. When I thought I was clear, I ran over to Barry to check on him. When I stood up from Barry, the cold gun was pointed at me.
"It's too bad he's gonna watch his little pet go down along with him." An art said before powering up the gun. "At least we would go down together" I thought before I heard a familiar voice.
"Put that down, Snart!" Cisco yelled from behind me. I was relieved to see him.
"Look who came to save you.. Cisco Ramon... I bet you don't have the nerve to kill me, you're shaking!.....I'll save you the time. I gotta run, but I will get you one day, Flashes. You may have gotten me now, but you won't stop my future plans," Snart said before running off.
"Even if I really wanted to stop him, I couldn't if I wanted to. This is just the S.T.A.R Labs vacuum cleaner with a lot of LED's", Cisco said before crouching down to look at Barry.
"Let's get you back to S.T.A.R Labs," I said before speeding Barry away to Caitlin. I then sped Cisco and his vacuum back.
"Thanks for ruining my suit," Cisco said, looking at the ruined suit with a whole in it.
"But you have like 4 of each suit. When are we going to call it my suit?" Barry asked.
"That one was my favorite and I think I'd be fine calling it our suit," Cisco commented.
"Well find a new favorite," I said coming into the cortex to break up the argument.
"You're lucky you had Chloe to get you out of there. That cold gun has the capability to stop your powers," Caitlin said.
"How did he even get a weapon like that?" Barry asked. There was silence before Cisco broke it:
"I built it. I built the cold gun because of you. I didn't know if you could be trusted at first, so I made it in case you want rogue," Cisco said with his head down.
"I don't believe this.." Barry said, walking out of the cortex. I chased after him.
"It was just a precaution," I tried telling Barry. "He didn't mean it like that. You need to get over it and stop making it a big deal. He trusts you now and that's all that matters."
"But I could have died, and that gun can stop us in our tracks. Someone died the other day because of that gun. But if you weren't there-"
"Or if Cisco hadn't rescued us.....You can't hold this against him forever. He's part of the team and we need him. He saves lives with us, and along with saving the city, he saves our lives as well. That's what you need to understand."
"You're right, I won't hold this against him. Thank you Chloe," Barry said before kissing me.
"Now let's go home," Barry said before walking home. We spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching tv until we fell asleep. The next morning my alarm clock went off and it was 7:00.
"Gotta get up Mr Allen!" I said to a groggy, sleepy faced Barry.
"Can't we just stay in bed?" He asked, trying to grab my waist as I got up out of bed.
"Why am I the one who doesn't mind getting out of bed? C'mon?" I said lifting up the blankets off him. It's Friday! Tonight's date night! Let's go!", I said running down the stairs. Barry followed slowly, dragging his feet along the hardwood floor.
"Saving the world is so much work!" Barry said. "Can't we just stay in bed?"
"No! Captain is going to have suspicions and lying around doesn't pay the bills Allen."
"Fine! I'll go get changed."
"That's my Bar," I said before putting 2 confetti waffles in the toaster. I sped upstairs to get dressed while the waffles were cooking. I put on dark black skinny jeans, black converse, and a flash T-Shirt I had recently bought at one of the clothing stands on the street.
"How do I look?" I asked Barry.
"Sexy as always....Nice shirt," Barry commented.
"Now's not the time to butter me up. Let's eat so we can go. If we get to CCPD before S.T.A.R. Labs, Captain may let us go. If we don't have any work there then we are guaranteed to have date night. But since we have flash business we have to do that as well. Let's get moving!" I said before running downstairs to grab my waffle. Barry and I quickly ate our waffles and we walked to CCPD.
"Hello Captain."
"Hello Chloe, Barry. No new developments other than a Captain Cold sighting, but I think the Flashes has him under control. No new developments or tests you need to run, so you're free to go."
"Thanks Captain," I said before we headed to S.T.A.R Labs.
"What's new Cisco?" I asked upon entering.
"Just figuring put a way to track the cold gun. I think I've found a way. When the gun is activated, the pressure and temperature drop at its location because the chambers have to be kept at below zero. They have to activate every once in a while to keep it cold so it will give off a signal and we can trace that as well."
"So you wait until you get a ping on your screen, and BAM it's located! Well done Cisco."
"Thanks. But you're not going to do any good here while we wait. Go out and have some fun.
"How about we go to the beach? We have nothing to do and today's date night anyway."
"So like a date day?"
"Exactly!" Barry and I sped home and got changed. I changed into a black bikini, sandals, and a black cover-up and Barry changed into a red sleeveless shirt with flip flops and red and yellow swim trunks. When we arrived, I grabbed Barry's hand as we walked on the boardwalk. Not many people were there so it made it more enjoyable for us. We talked about our lives, work, and families until something caught our eyes. They were selling Flash ice cream. Barry and I decided to get one. It was a cone, with cherry shell on the outside and a lightning bolt swirl going all along the sides. The inside was a twist of chocolate and vanilla.
"This is good....Where to next?" Barry asked, taking a kick of the cone. I pointed to the water. "The water it is," Barry said before chasing me down to the beach. We threw off our cover-ups before he chased me into the water. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I gave him a kiss, and after holding it for a few seconds, I pushed him into the water. He then came up, and grabbed me immediately, pulling me down into the water with him. We spent another hour in the water splashing around until Barry wanted to go to the arcade. When we dried off and walked to the arcade, I gave Barry money to exchange for tokens. He was back in my sight for a second before he ran over to "Five Nights At Freddy's" and started putting tokens into the machine.
"I love this game!" He exclaimed before pushing buttons and moving the joystick. As he played in the arcade, I walked around the arcade taking in the surroundings. As I was walking I could hear:
      "C'mon Foxy! It was almost 6Am!" Knowing it was Barry, I smiled and continued to walk around. There were also a lot of kids running around. Seeing all the little kids running around and playing makes me wonder what it would be like to have a child of our own. A mix of half me and half Barry. The perfect child.... I squealed and was pulled out of my thoughts when 2 arms snaked around my waist from behind.
"No more tokens? I guess we'll just have to go to the amusement park now."
"Yay!!," Barry said before skipping towards the exit of the arcade like a child. When we got to the amusement park, it wasn't filled with a lot of people either, so we had the advantage. We went on a lot of rides and played lots of games, but my favorite was when we went on the Ferris wheel.
"C'mon, it's the last ride. It's 4:15 and if you want to get home and changed in time for dinner, we need to go on this now."
"What if it comes off and we die?" I asked as Barry, who grabbed my hand. "I've never liked this ride."
"I'll be right here with you," Barry said reassuringly. As we got on the Ferris wheel and we started to move, I found myself clutching onto Barry.
"It's okay, you're fine and I'm here with you. Calm down," Barry said. I loosened my grip on Barry and looked at the view. The sun was setting and the reflection on the ocean was breathtaking. Our cart stopped at the top and we were stuck for a few minutes. I started to feel scared and worried, until I saw Barry leaning in. I leaned in, causing our lips to crash together. I put his face in my hands, making it more passionate, and held the kiss for a few seconds. When we broke the kiss, Barry and I looked into each others eyes, admiring each others presence until he broke the silence:
"I love you,"
"I love you too," I said before kissing Barry again. Coincidently, fireworks lit up the sky as we went back down to ground level. On the way down, Barry wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled up in his chest. This was the best date day ever.
"Now home and dinner!" Barry said before we sped home. "Where to?" He asked.
"There's a new place down the street."
"Then we'll go there," Barry said before going into his closet to find something to wear. When we were done changing, I had on a tight black dress with black heels and my hair tied into a bun. Barry had dark jeans, dress shoes, and a sweater vest. His hair was in a mess like I loved it. He grabbed my arm, linked them, and we were on our way. When we got to the restaurant, it wasn't full of people and it was perfect for us. Each table had 2 chairs and a white tablecloth. It's like it was made for couples. Each table also has a small lamp hanging over it with a single rose in the center.
"Shall we?" Barry asked before leading me to a table. A server came over and asked us our drink orders. Barry and I both ordered Coke. For entrees we ordered the large spaghetti dinner to split. (Totally lady and the tramp.)
"Chloe," Barry said grabbing my hand. "I've known you my whole life and I don't know why I didn't recognize my feelings for you sooner. I regret falling for Iris because it buried my feelings for you and I want you to know that I love you and only you. My feelings for Iris have diminished and I'm devoted to you. Will-" Barry tried to say before he was interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice:
"Which one of you is the flash?"

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