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Strangely, I woke up at S.T.A.R. Labs. All I could remember was being swarmed and........BARRY! I jumped out of bed, to find Barry over by the computers. I ran up and hugged him.
"I thought I lost you."
"The same with you."
"But how did I-- How did you-"
"Joe came and saved me. Ray went to STAG Industries and killed the main clone, killing them all. And Felicity had a hacker vs hacker showdown against Brie until we won, she was put in jail, and the bees were defeated."
"Thank you Ray, Felicity, Joe, and all of you!......What's the status of crime, anything?"
"Not much. Actually...--"
"We were wondering if you wanted to come to dinner tonight," Ray asked.
"We'd love to. Thanks Ray!"
"No problem. With all this crime stuff I think you guys could use a break. We'll see you tonight at 7."
"Tonight at 7 it is," I said before Ray and Felicity walked out."
"Chloe, Barry, I was wondering if you would like to go out to lunch tomorrow after Joe and I's business trip to Starling. They need some help in the arrow cave and I accepted," Cisco said.
"Sure, see you tomorrow," we said before Barry and I walked out.
       At 7, we met Ray, Felicity, Iris, and Eddie at the fanciest restaurant in Central City.
"Ray did you...you bought out the whole place didn't you?"
"Yes I did, but it was for a good reason," Ray said.
       We all thanked him and got settled in. We were having fun and laughing, until I had to pull Barry aside and talk to him privately outside.
"Barry, what's wrong?"
"It's just that I've been overwhelmed with things, and the man that killed our parents is still out there."
"I know Bar, and we're gonna get him.....You just need time. Think about something else. Put that in the back of your mind."
"I can try. I've been thinking about ways we can catch him. Like if Cisco sets a trap for him and I swoop in and get him."
"Let's get back to dinner," I said as I grabbed his hand and we walked in. Iris and Eddie were already gone.
"Relationship troubles."
"Gotcha," I said before we ate. It was just us 4 and we had a great time.
When we got home, Barry kept acting strange and couldn't stop thinking about the Reverse Flash. When we went to bed, I snuggled with him and he seemed to be fine until he woke up from a nightmare. He shot up out of bed and started hyperventilating.
"Barry, what's wrong?"
"It was the reverse Flash, he...."
"It was just a dream. It wasn't real. Calm down..." I said. I spent the rest of the night trying to calm him down and get him back to sleep but nothing was working. He got up, walked over to his desk, and began working on something. All I could hear was the sound of pencil speedily writing on paper until I fell asleep.
When I woke up, Barry was already gone. I skipped breakfast and sped to S.T.A.R Labs. Caitlin told me Barry was downstairs working on some contraption with Cisco.
"What's going on here?" I asked, coming out of the elevator.
"It's a trap for the Reverse Flash. We just need to figure out how to get it up and running. We also need something he would be looking for."
"........TACHEONS! There was a break in at Mercury Labs because a man in yellow wanted the tacheon prototype. I'll go get it," I said as I sped over to Mercury Labs. I was suited up and it took some negotiating before Dr McGee finally gave me the device. I got back to S.T.A.R labs and gave Cisco the device.
"Don't you have a business trip?"
"They told me to come tomorrow. They're in this big battle right now and it's too dangerous for me to go up there. Let's test it," Cisco said. Barry tried running through and he was thrown across the wall. I ran over to Barry to make sure he was okay and Cisco told us to get Joe and Eddie. Joe had told Eddie on the way about our secret and he didn't believe it. When he saw us, he was in awe, but he snapped out of it. We got into position and waited. And then he arrived........

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now