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Barry sped away to Iron Heights and I worriedly followed. He rushed in, and immediately asked where his father was being kept.
        When he found out the room he ran to it and rushed into it. His father was spooked upon Barry's arrival, and was surprised to see him.
"Dad.....I heard.....and I came as soon as I could."
"Take it easy slugger, I'm alright."
"Who did this?"
"It doesn't matter. It was my fault."
"What did I tell you about doing this? You're not a detective dad. You're going to get yourself killed."
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to help. Look!" Henry said pointing to the Tv. There was a news report that was interrupted by a video of a masked man. In the end, he revealed himself as the trickster.
"Chloe, we have to go."
"You asked me about The Flashes last time and I didn't give you a complete answer. If I ever got to talk to the Flashes, I'd tell them they're saving a lot of lives.....It takes a lot of courage to put your life on the line like that, and they sure have a lot of it."
"Thanks dad!" Barry said before hugging him and leaving the room.
We sped to S.T.A.R Labs to see if they had anything.
"We watched the video and we don't recognize the person, but we have a few trickster articles and it's not the same guy."
"This guy really knows how to rock a leotard," Cisco joked.
"Focus Cisco!" Wells said. "We have to find him.....wait...Caitlin....what's that?" He said pointing to the reflection in the eye of the masked man.
"It looks like a teddy bear...maybe--" Caitlin was interrupted.
"Not just any teddy bear. There was an old toy factory that used to produce these bears with built in nanny cams. The factory is just a few miles from here. Check it out," Cisco said. We sped off to the factory. There was nothing there but old toys and creepy dolls.
"Nothing Cisco," I said before tripping on a wire. A creepy cackle came out from one of the dolls and an evil voice spoke:
"Gotcha this time Flashes!" Barry told me to run and I did. We sped out of the factory before it exploded.
"I can recognize that voice from anywhere.....that's James Jessie. He lives at Iron heights."
"Already on it," Cisco said through the earpiece. When we got back to S.T.A.R. Labs they pulled up everything on James Jessie and his past records.
"Contained in Iron Heights in a psychiatric unit.....Many arrests..."
"He's the trickster."
"If he was then, who's the new guy?"
"Probably some knockoff guy. He's not the real trickster. What we need to do is go talk to James."
"You can't do that. Good luck finding him. He escaped." Barry immediately suited up, and before leaving, another Tv report came on. The trickster was holding a little box with a parachute. He dropped it off the building and it exploded in midair. He revealed behind a sheet, a stockpile of these bombs and he was going to drop them over Central City. I got suited up, and sped away.
"How do we stop them?"
"There has to be a trigger in them...like in the wiring. The signal was coming from on top of the town hall. See if he is there. Maybe there's a master control.
Before telling Cisco okay, I sped to the top of the building and the trickster was there. But my senses were thrown off when I felt the needle of a dart sink into my skin. I found myself getting weak, but I was able to make out the face of James Jessie. First my knees gave out, and so did the rest of my body. Soon after that, just found myself falling down. And not to the ground, but off the building.

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