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I parked Barry's car in my driveway next to mine and took the key out of the ignition. I turned to notice Barry was looking at me.
"This is it...".
"Yes it is," Barry said as he looked out the window at what was now our shared home. "And I want to enjoy every second of it," Barry said before leaning towards me and placing a kiss on my lips. With that, Barry and I got out of the car and began to unload as I opened up the front door and made sure there was room to put Barry's boxes and suitcases inside. I then walked outside and helped Barry bring his boxes and suitcases inside. "Last one," Barry said as he rolled the suitcase up the sidewalk and locked the car. I held the door open for him as he made his way into the house and placed the suitcase in the pile among the rest. I closed the front door behind us.
"Welcome home, Mr Allen," I said as I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him from behind with a smile. He turned around and placed a kiss to my lips.
"Now the fun part...Unpacking it all..." he said as he looked towards the pile with a sigh.
"I've already thought this through to make it easier. Your keepsakes can stay in their box and go on the shelf above the closet. I cleared out my second closet, so all of your stuff can go in there on hangers. There's also a dresser that's empty next to that closet where you can put your pants and other clothes in. In terms of shoes, I have a shoe rack in that empty closet." Barry looked down at me with wide eyes.
"I guess you really did think it through."
"What can I say? I live for organization."
"No really? I can't tell," Barry said looking around at the decor and tidiness of our home.
"Let's get unpacking," I said as I sped boxes up the stairs. Barry and I sped around the room unpacking boxes upon boxes of Barry's belongings. There were a few distractions here and there, of course. Taking a moment to laugh over a past childhood memory or a stolen kiss. It wasn't long before we had everything put away.
"Done unpacking," Barry said as he plopped down on our bed. "What shall we ever do now?" he asked as he snuck his arms around my waist and pulled me down onto the bed with him.
"Barry...". He began kissing my neck and I pushed him away.
"C'mon! It's our first night together officially in our house." I got up from the bed and crossed my arms.
"As much as i'd love to be wrapped all up in you, we have to stay alert incase Cisco texts us about Clyde." Barry nodded slowly. "He's still out there, and until we catch him, I want to be alert."
"How about we order a few pizzas and have a night in?" Barry asked. I nodded excitedly.
"That's more my style", I said before changing into my sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt. Barry smiled before speeding off into the evening. After he left I walked downstairs and turned on the TV. I nestled myself into the couch and turned on the TV. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. When I opened the door, Barry came into view. He was holding 20 pizza boxes, two giant water jugs, a giant bag of junk food, and a dvd copy of the movie: "Lilo and Stitch".
"Did someone order 20 pizzas, a bag of surprises, and a cute as a button delivery boy?" Barry asked with a smile as he stood on the stoop. My eyebrows furrowed and I puckered my lips in "thought".
"I don't know about the delivery boy, but the 20 pizzas and bag of junk sounds good right about now," I joked as I placed a hand on top of Barry's head and ruffled up his hair.
"Must have the wrong house then," Barry replied as he looked down at the receipt on the pizza boxes. "Oh, sorry...Must have the wrong Chloe."
"Nope, I think this is the right one," I replied as I tugged on Barry's shirt and pulled him into the house. I closed the door behind him as he placed the pizza boxes and goodies onto the coffee table.
"How did you get all of this?" I asked as I looked down at all the food Barry brought in surprise. "This is something a YouTuber would have when they were doing a Mukbang". Barry chuckled.
"Funny thing being a superhero...You show up in a suit, they give you anything you ask for," Barry jumped over the back of the couch and sat down beside me. I opened the pizza boxes and began digging in.
"No one questioned why you wanted 20 pizzas?" I asked. "What, did they think you were having a superhero party?".
"As cool as that would be, they didn't even question it. They were just so surprised to see a superhero in their establishment they just made them all. Must be good for business. I'm sure that place will be booming now for the next few months." I laughed as I took a slice of pepperoni pizza out of the box and took a bite.
"They do make a good pizza," I said as I took another bite. Barry nodded as he took a bite of his pizza. A few more pizza boxes later, halfway through the movie, my phone rang.
"It's Clyde," Cisco said on the other end of the phone. I placed the phone back in my pocket.
"We have to go, it's Clyde," I said before Barry and I tidied up quickly and shut off the tv before leaving.
When we arrived at S.T.A.R Labs, Cisco had maps of the city pulled up on the monitor, as well as footage of Clyde and his whereabouts.
"Clyde's at an abandoned warehouse," Cisco said before Barry and I suited up. "I'll give you directions. It's pretty far away on the outskirts of the city".
"Got it. Make sure CCPD is notified of his location," I said before Barry and I sped off, following Cisco's directions to the old warehouse.
The warehouse was exactly as Cisco described: old and wooden. It was also very large in size. It made the perfect hiding place for anyone.
"No one's been here for at least a year," Barry said as we examined the surroundings and approached its entrance. I stepped inside first cautiously, making sure it was clear before Barry opened the door and we both stepped inside. The space was dimly lit with the exception of a few torches that burned a dim flame.
"Nice to see you again," Clyde's voice echoed throughout the empty walls. Barry and I turned around quickly to see Clyde standing in front of the entrance. "Didn't think you'd find me". Clyde took a few more steps forward towards Barry and I. We stood our ground.
"We'll always find you...Until we stop you once and for all..." I said as I continued to stare at Clyde.
"Not sure where this new found confidence comes from, but it doesn't scare me," Clyde said as he put his hand up and shot a blast of wind at me. My reflexes acted quickly and I sped out of the way. Barry sped out of the way too, but it just clipped him. He stumbled back, but returned to his position next to me. "You've changed in the last few days...Much sharper and more agile..." Clyde said as he rubbed his hands together. In a split second, Clyde shot his hands up again in our direction and Barry and I dodged the blast. What we didn't notice was that one of the beams from the ceiling was falling down and landed on top of Barry. Barry fell to the floor and I looked over at him with sad eyes. "C'mon, I let him off easy. That's not the worst I could do," Clyde said as he sent a large cloud of black smoke my way. I covered my eyes and mouth quickly and jogged over to Barry. I coughed through the smoke and checked to see if he was okay.
"Still breathing..." I said as I awaited for the smoke to clear. When the room was clear, I looked over to see that Clyde was nowhere to be seen. "I'll come back for you," I said as I sped out of the warehouse and saw Clyde standing in the open field outside of the warehouse.
"I want nothing more than to make the world pay for what it's done to me," Clyde said as he raised his hands in their air and a large tornado like cloud started to form around him.
"Cisco...It's only me now...What do I do?" I asked as I continued to look at Clyde's new creation. I had no idea how I was going to stop this.
"Remember what I told you earlier about the vacuum?" Cisco asked. I struggled to remember. "You must run in the opposite direction as his wind tunnel. This will counteract it and weaken his power."
"But how do I do it? It's only me, i'm not strong enough."
"You don't have to have strength, you have to have trust," I could hear Wells' voice through my earpiece. "Stop doubting everything, and have some trust in yourself and your team."
"I don't think I can--".
"RUN CHLOE, RUN!!" Wells yelled through my earpiece. I don't know what it was about his words, but I felt as if I had the energy and strength to do anything. I focused on Clyde's wind tunnel for a moment to figure out which way the wind was going. After figuring that out, I felt a sort of new aura I never felt before. I felt energy surge throughout my body, and with that I ran as fast as I possibly could in the direction of Clyde's wind tunnel. Though I was becoming tired very fast, I pushed on. I could tell that what I was doing was working. Eventually, I was able to get the tornado down to nothing, and Clyde was left kneeling on the ground, all of his energy and power drained. I was distracted from Clyde when I heard a large crash. I looked over at the warehouse to see that it was crumbling.
"So long, Flash," Clyde said as he continued panting and watching the warehouse collapse.
"NO!" I exclaimed as I looked over at the remains of the warehouse. Clyde had scaled it all the way to the ground, leaving Barry buried in debris. I fell to my knees, as I was too tired and weak after all the running I had previously done. Clyde got up slowly off his knees and smiled at the scaled warehouse. He looked back at me with a grin.
"Your turn," Clyde said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a gun. He cocked it and approached me slowly with it raised in the air. "You may have drained me of my powers, but I still have this," Clyde said as he stopped in front of me with the gun aimed at my head.
"Chloe, what are you doing?" Cisco asked with panic through my earpiece. I feared that at this point there was nothing I could do. My speed was practically drained at this point, and I had no energy left to fight. I was trapped. There was nothing I could do, and he won.
"Any last words?" Clyde asked as his finger settled on the trigger. I closed my eyes as he laughed. My eyes closed tightly as a gunshot sounded, and I awaited the pain of the bullet piercing my skull. After a few moments, I was able to open my eyes and was left in that same position, kneeling in the middle of the grassy field. In front of me was Clyde, gripping his midsection as a crimson red liquid surrounding a small hole began poured from his body. He struggled to make words as he stumbled back and collapsed in front of me. I turned around and looked behind me, confused as to how this was possible. My questions were soon answered. Behind me with his gun in the air was officer Joe West. I turned around quickly.
"Chloe, are you alright?" Cisco asked.
"Yes. Joe shot Clyde...He's dead. How do I face Joe?".
"There's a way to disguise yourselves. The suit has a voice modulator. All you have to do is focus on disguising, and your face should be able to pulsate rapidly so he can't see you".
"Alright," I said as I closed my eyes to focus on disguising. Sure enough, I could feel my face pulsating. I then turned around to approach Joe, who wasn't unphased by me at all.
"Officer West...Thank you for coming to my rescue." Joe looked up at me with his mouth slightly parted.
"I've been following you at work. We appreciate what you and your partner are doing here for the city. CCPD can't take these...Meta-humans as my son likes to call them, on our own." I looked down at him with a smile. I knew he was talking about Barry. Barry quickly came to mind. Last I saw him, he was left in the debris of the warehouse.
"I must get going," I said before turning to walk toward the warehouse.
"Wait," Joe called. I turned around to face him again. "I was able to rescue your friend before the collapse," Joe said before motioning to his car. He lead me around the corner, where Barry lay safely among the other side. "I can take him to a hospital."
"That won't be necessary," my modulated voice replied as I picked Barry up and slung him over my shoulder. "You can take things from here, detective," I said as I backed away from his car.
"Who are you guys?" Joe asked. I turned around.
"'The Flash' and 'Flashette'....You can call us: 'The Flashes'," I replied before speeding Barry to S.T.A.R Labs. After getting Barry situated in the medical wing, I took my suit off and joined the team in the cortex.
"Great Job on your first mission," Wells said from his computer. "Consider the bank incident earlier this week to be a practice round. Though Clyde was terminated, at least he is off the streets. Citizens of Central City can sleep peacefully tonight."
"Until the next attack..." I mumbled under my breath.
"On a lighter note, people are going crazy about you! Social media is blowing up! Photos of blurs of red and pink in the streets are popping up. Someone even got a picture of you in action at the bank! #Who'sTheBlur and #Flashes are trending on twitter! You're celebrity status!" Cisco exclaimed.
"Not necessarily, considering no one knows who we really are. Doing all these good things and not getting proper recognition for them".
"Your recognition will come soon enough," Wells said before shutting down his computer and wheeling out of the room.
"Barry should be waking up soon. You should take him home and get some rest."
"I sure need some sleep," I responded before I walked to the medical wing and took hold of Barry once again. I said goodbye to the team before speeding home with Barry in my arms.
When I arrived at my front door and placed the key inside the keyhole, I noticed my front door was already unlocked.
That's weird, I thought I locked it...I thought to myself as I stepped inside. I closed the door and sped Barry upstairs to our bedroom. I did a sweep and walked along the upstairs rooms with caution. After ruling it as clear I walked down the stairs cautiously and began my sweep of the downstairs. As I made my way down the downstairs hallway, I seemed to have collided with someone.
"Surpr--" the figure began to say before I pinned it against the wall. After the whole Clyde thing, I couldn't help but think defensively. I knew the city was crawling with Meta-humans, and I refused to be caught off guard by another one. I placed an arm under the neck of the figure. I strengthened my grip and the figure resisted, squeezing my wrist tightly.
"Who are you?" I demanded through gritted teeth as the lights flickered on. I looked down at the figure in front of me to see that it wasn't a Meta at all. Infact, it was a person I knew, a best friend even. I loosened my grip on the figure and backed away from the wall. The figure hunched over to catch her breath. She looked back up at me and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She then adjusted her signature blonde ponytail.
"Felicity? Is that you?" Barry asked as he walked down the stairs.
"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water and an ice pack. Barry lead her over to the living room and she sat down beside Barry, who also took a seat. "Here, this will help the bruising," I said as I handed her the ice pack and placed the glass of water on the table. Would've been nice to know we were having company, Barry," I said as I looked over at him with a stern glance.
"Oops..." Barry said as his hand rubbed the back of his neck. "Would've been nice to mention before I was knocked out."
"It would've. Would've saved her the heart attack and lack of oxygen".
"I'm sorry."
"I understand. I get the drastic lifestyle change when you take on a superhero role. I've watched Oliver do the same for months. I can only imagine what it's like when its you going out on the front lines and taking these things down."
"I fought my first Meta solo today, so i'm a little on edge still".
"You're not completely at fault here. I shouldn't have been waiting here in the dark."
"Moving on from that interesting introduction, what brings you here?" I asked Felicity as I crossed my legs in my chair. Felicity sat across from me on the couch next to Barry.
"I wanted to see how you two were doing. Barry called me after you woke up and told me you could have visitors. A few days later he called me again and told me he had something to show me. I was so intrigued, I told him I would take the next train, and here I am! I was so excited to see it...". Felicity raised her eyebrows and her eyes went wide at the wording of her statement. "By it I meant your speed, in case you were implying that I meant something else...and I certainly wasn't talking about-". I interrupted Felicity. I knew I could trust Barry, and I assumed he had told her about our speed. I stood up from my chair and looked down at the two.
"I know Barry was the one who was supposed to demonstrate the speed thing, but his head's in recovery for the night. I'll have to take the reigns...". I placed a finger to my chin in thought as I decided how exactly I was going to demonstrate our abilities. It was night, so there wasn't much I could do. Besides, I didn't have my suit, so I didn't want to attract too much attention. Eventually, I came up with an idea. "Be right back", I said before I sped off and came back with a familiar face a few moments later.
"Felicity, what's going on?" Oliver Queen asked, nervously as he looked around our living room. I sat back down on our couch with a smile. "I was just in the Arrow Cave, and now I'm here in---Barry? Chloe?...How--What am I doing here?". Felicity chuckled and I laughed along with her. Oliver looked over at Barry, who rubbed his forehead as he managed to get out a small laugh. I've never seen Oliver this way before. "How did I get to your house?".
"Felicity wanted to see our speed," I replied. "And now you're in Central City, quick as a Flash. Thank you for taking: 'Travel with The Flashes'... Getting people to their destinations in the blink of an eye for about 3 days now...".
"A side business that sounds pretty promising to me!".
"So there are no other ways to show your speed other than abducting me?" Oliver asked with an angry undertone. "I swear, Chloe, if this happens again, I will put an arrow through both of you."
"Understood," I agreed before speeding Felicity and Oliver back to Starling. "Would've loved to catch up with them more but it seems like they've got a lot on their plates right now."
"So do we," Barry said as he looked up from his phone. "Joe just texted and said we have 58 new cases on top of the other 73."
"Why so much crime Central City, why?" I asked. "It's a small city, how could there be so much trouble? Why do so many people want to rebel against authority?" I asked.
"Everybody is an angsty teen at heart," Barry joked.
"They can't bring their angst to Starling? At least we know that Oliver can handle them."

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now