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Barry was shocked. He immediately sped upstairs and changed, I followed.
     "Cisco, where is she. Iris has been kidnapped."
     "Tony was last seen entering the...High school....Why would he be there?"
     "Because that's where we went to school," I said before running there. When we got there, Tony was there with Iris. He held her by the arm while she struggled to break loose.
     "Look whose back. Ready to get beaten again?....I have a little friend of yours. She's been writing a blog about you and I thought she could give me some insight on who you really were, but she's not talking. If you didn't come she would have been dead, but it looks like you came just in time."
     "Let her go! This is between you and us," Barry said before I nodded. Iris then punched Tony and let out a wince of pain afterwards.
     "That hurt a lot more than I thought it would," Iris said, shaking her hand.
    "Silly girl...I wasn't gonna hurt that pretty little face, but now I'm gonna do more than that. I'm gonna--" Before he could finish I sped Iris out of the high school to safety and returned to Tony.
     "Cisco, how do we stop him? He's metal and we don't have the strength."
    "Sure you can. You just have to get a running start. I'll set up a quick algorithm and....AHAH! You have to run from exactly 5.3 miles away at 800mph."
     "But we haven't hit that yet."
     "Well it's your only chance. Besides, you'll have twice the power if you both do it."
     "Yes, there is a chance of you beating him but this can also result in death," Caitlin said.
    "We have to try."
     "If it keeps this city safe I'll do it, whatever the risk," Barry said before speeding off with me following after him.
    "What are they doing?" Caitlin asked.
    "They're running away....5.3 miles away..." Cisco said. Barry and I ran as fast as we could and sped in Tony's direction. We burst through the doors of the high school and surprised Tony. Barry and I punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground in defeat.
    "SUPER SONIC PUNCH BABY!!!!" We could hear Cisco scream through the earpiece.
     "We did it!" Barry said before kissing me. Just then Iris walked in.
      "I knew it! I knew you existed. And you're together, That's so sweet! I've been writing about you for a blog and one question my readers are dying to know: what are your names?"
     "I'm The Flash..."
      "I'm Flashette...."
     "And we are The Flashes."
    "Thank you so much for saving me! This will make a great update for my blog!"
    "You should probably get that hand checked out," I said before speeding away to S.T.A.R Labs.
"They get it..." Caitlin said placing an arm on Cisco's shoulder. Cisco dropped his hands.
     "That was sick!" Cisco said. "We're gonna have to use that again! Thanks to my genius.."
    "It's good to be humble Mr Ramon but not as much as you. This was another victory that we can add to the list, and there are many more to come. I think you should go home and get some well deserved rest," Dr Wells said.
     "Thank you Dr Wells, we will.....Goodbye guys!"
     "Bye Chloe, Bye Barry!" The team said before we walked out of the cortex. We went home and sat down on the couch. We watched Tv for a while until Barry got a notification on his phone. A few minutes after the notification, Barry gave me a kiss and got up to leave:
     "Where are you going, Mr Allen?"
      "I have to go visit a friend."
     "Is it okay if I come?"
      "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea."
     "Okay, well don't get home late. I'll be awake. I Love you,"
     "Love you too," Barry said before leaving. I noticed that he took his bag with his suit in it with him. The only thing I was wondering was why he needed it. I had a suspicion something was going on, so I followed him.

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now