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    When I woke, I was in bed. And not a hospital bed, but my own. Barry's side of the bed was cold, signifying that he hasn't been here. Last I remember, I was at S.T.A.R. Labs under the care of them. Felicity knocked on the door.
      "Chloe, glad you're awake. I've been staying here with you because Barry is too emotional and upset right now. Do you need anything?"
     "I'm okay, thank you. How is he doing?"
     "Not so good. Ever since that night he's been unstable. He doesn't known how to handle himself. He's truly sorry for what happened."
    "Can you send him over here? I need to talk to him."
     "Okay, i'll send him a text. I'm going to head to S.T.A.R. Labs to check on things there and give you some privacy. See you later."
     "Thank you Felicity for all of your help!"
     "No problem. Anything for my gal pal. I'll see you later."
     "Bye Felicity!," I said before she walked out the door. A gush of wind blew past and what was an empty door frame, was now filled with a silhouette of Barry.
     "I'm surprised you allowed me to come back here. I thought you wouldn't want me to after what happened."
     "Barry, you just need to get over it," I told him while patting the bed next to me.
     "How could I get over it? I hurt you. If it weren't for S.T.A.R. Labs and Oliver, you would have been killed. I said awful things to you and did awful things to you, and you're treating it like it was nothing. I promised you I would never hurt you and I did," Barry said crying. "Maybe you would be safer if we just had a working relationship."
      "How could you say that? I'm over everything that happened and you can forget it. I love you," I said crying.
     "I know you do. And I love you too but you'd be safer if we just stopped here. I hurt you and you shouldn't be with someone like that. I'm sorry," Barry said before walking out. At that moment, I didn't know what to do. The love of my life literally walked out on me and I was deprived of the one person I loved. I stayed home most of the time and told work that I was sick. I still had to go out as Flashette, but I barely talked to anyone.
     "What's wrong?" Cisco asked me one day after a mission.
      "Barry and I are no longer together. He walked out on me after telling me that we could no longer be together. But I'm breaking down. I loved him and he just left. Did I deserve it? Am I really that bad of a person?"
      "No you're not...calm down. You are a great person and you save a lot of people. Barry just wants you to be safe. He still loves you and he thinks keeping you away is keeping you safe."
      "Well it's hurting me more staying away from him. I need to talk to him," I said before Cisco got an incoming call.
     "Cisco, the man in yellow who killed our moms and threatened Iris is here," Barry said through the earpiece. I didn't care what situation I was in right now with Barry or anything. I sped to the scene where Barry and the Man In Yellow were standing.
      "You killed our moms? Why?" Barry asked before the Man In Yellow charged at Barry and gave him such a hard punch that he flew across the street.
      "BARRY!" I yelled.
      "You're next.......Chloe......" The Man In Yellow said to me before running off.

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now