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Authors Note: Sorry for not updating recently. Here is the chapter you have been anticipating. Enjoy! :) -Flashette1
Barry walked up to me and wrapped me in one of his warm secure hugs.
"Aww" Cisco cooed from his computer. Everyone was distracted, but never realized that Joe had entered the cortex.
"What happened?"
"Umm..Joe...Hey buddy. What are you doing here?"
"Just checking in."
"It's been a long night," Caitlin covered. Anyone up for drinks? Karaoke?" Caitlin asked.
"Sure!" I exclaimed. "Barry would like to come too, wouldn't he?"
"Well I'm not really much of a--"
"It's a yes! Let's go now."
"I'll get my purse!" Caitlin said disappearing around the corner. She came back a few seconds later with her purse and led us out of the cortex.
At the bar, many many drinks later, Caitlin had finally gotten drunk.
"Caitlin I think you should...." Barry said before he was interrupted.
"No more drinks for you..." Barry said, taking the shot glass out of her hand. Barry looked at me and we exchanged looks.
        We noticed that Caitlin was gone and nowhere to be found. But we found out where she was when she screamed: "MR BARRY ALLEN! C'MON DOWN!" We knew she was on the stage. Barry was so embarassed, he ran to the stage just to get her to stop cheering out: "BARRY, BARRY, BARRY, BARRY." Eventually the crowd joined in until he had reached the last step.
     I was too busy giggling and being curious about what was about to happen.
       The song played its intro and when I realized what song it was, I didn't know how to brace myself for what was coming.
"Summer lovin' had me a blast...." Barry sang with a voice like an angel.
"Summer lovin' happened so fast..." Caitlin said with a drunk, lousy singing voice.
"Met a girl, crazy for me......"
"Met a boy, cute as can be..." Caitlin said winking. I couldn't take Caitlin's drunk singing anymore, so managed to get through the crowd in time and jumped upon the stage.
I took Caitlin's Mic and began to sing. She got mad at first, but became distracted by the newly placed shotglasses on the table.
Barry and I stood there singing, laughing, and having a good time while Caitlin was drinking away.
When the song was over, we kissed while the audience "awwed" and walked off the stage. On the way back to our seats, the crowd gave us cheers and compliments. They wanted us to go up again, but we told them: "maybe next time." We got to our seats and saw Caitlin falling asleep on the table.
"We aren't much singers, and you aren't much of a drinker," Barry said.
"You need to go home. Chloe, why don't you head home and i'll bring Caitlin back?"
"Okay, don't stay out too late Bar," I said before giving him a kiss. We both walked Caitlin out to keep her up, and he sped her to her house while I kept a lookout. I took one more check for myself before speeding home.
I got home, and sped upstairs. I changed into sweatpants and a loose black top and curled up on the couch. I put on "Drake and Josh" and watched that for a while.
           During one of the commercial breaks I made myself a bowl of popcorn. I was about to fall asleep when I was woken by the sound of the annoying creaky door. I jumped when I heard it open, but I felt safe knowing it was Barry.
"I thought she'd crash as soon as her head the pillow, but she made it a task. First she made me take off her dress and put her in her pajamas, and then she made me stay with her until she fell asleep. She finally fell asleep a few minutes ago, and you wouldn't know how hard it was to move around in her house. I sped over as soon as I could."
"It's okay...No peeking though right?"
"Yes love. Can I join you?"
"Ofcourse," I said patting the couch cushion. It was a long night for both of us, but we fell asleep on the couch and woke up in the same position we fell asleep in.
       After we woke up and did our usual routine, we sped to S.T.A.R Labs.
"Good, you're here! New meta alert, Joe gave us some info. He collected this sample from the cell of Clay Parker," Cisco said holding up a vile with a liquid. "We thought he was the meta, but he was abducted from the cell without leaving any marks. This meta had to be someone from the outside. Caitlin will do further tests and you guys will further investigate....as CSI agents of course. Maybe you can get some more insight on this meta. If you see Clay anywhere, try to stop him or follow him."
"Thank you Cisco, Barry lets go to CCPD."
"Okay, just a second," Barry said before pulling his buzzing phone out of his pocket. He answered it and the only response he gave was "okay" before the tears began pouring out. He hung up the phone and put it back shakily in his pocket. I immediately ran up to him and pulled him in for a hug.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
"Its my dad. He's been stabbed."

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now