Ch.11 hospitals and schools

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*paige's pov*

Black that is all I see, I start trying to move my arm and I can't move it. My memories flood back then I realized I. Am. In. A. Hospital. And. They. Did. Not. Care. Well then so be it I will just go back to Australia with 5SOS. I slowly open my eyes and nobody is here but I hear yelling?? And crying I can tell it is Sim whom is yelling but who is crying? I don't like it when people cry. I shockingly have nothing attached to me I am in a lot of pain though in my right rib cage area. I get out of the bed slowly and walk into the hall. I saw a sight that was heart breaking.  All 9 of my boys and Sim are all crying like mad. Sim seems the most broken. Niall is sitting there blaming himself for what happened to me I can hear him. Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn just look full of regret. They did not help me but it is sad to see them like this then there are my four crazy Aussies. They are in a group hug/huddle thing crying on each other.

Did you hear that

That was my heart breaking for these boys they care a lot. I am crying too because they care.

"You know boys you did not have to make me cry too." I say with a sad smile all of their heads snap in my direction and they all look like is should not be here.

"How you you you were dead?" Sim said rushing over to me.

"Well being dead is to boring plus I was not going to leave my boys till we are all old and have mor wrinkles that we do hairs." I say with a laugh and they all look at me and smile.

"Thank you for not leaving us we thought we lost you." Cal said

"You people can't get rid of me that easily plus it is not the first time I have died the 47 time to be exact." I said the first part but muttered the last but I guess the boys heard me because they were all wearing shocked expressions.

"You have died that many times!?!?" Louis shouted a bit angry and I flinched at his tone.

"Yeah I have every time it is the same I go and I am pronounced dead then I wake up within 2 hours of being dead." I said

"That is actually really cool just don't die again please I can't stand that." Luke said and I shrugged

"Sometimes it just happens." I said

"Really what if you actually like die." Mikey asked

"Then it was simply my time." I state and shift on my feet I want to ask if I can go with mu Aussies because honestly I don't feel safe with One Direction.

"That is very wise for a child your age." Liam said impressed.

"Sim can I talk to you alone." I asked and the boys left me and Sim.

"What is it my little duckling?" He asked

"Canigotolivewith5SOStilltourisovericantdothisanymore." I said very quickly

"A bit slower love I am getting old you know." He laughed and said

"Can I go to live with 5SOS till tour is over I can't do this anymore I don't feel safe with the boys." I said trying to be calm

"I think that is a great idea I think they are leaving tomorrow I will have someone fetch your things... How are we going to tell the direction boys??" He asked

"I will tell them if they truly love me then they will let me go it is like a test for me. Tour ends in like 2 months so it is not going to be forever." I said calmly to Sim and walked to find the boys. I find them in the cafeteria.

"Boys I have something I need to tell you." I said and they looked at me a bit sad especially Liam.

"I am not going to be joining you for the rest of the tour I am staying with the Aussies because of my injuries." I lied about the last part I am perfectly fine.

One direction and 5 seconds of summer adopted little miss perfect....(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now