Chapter 11

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-=- Maddie's POV -=-
I woke up. It's Tuesday. At 7:00. Ugh I hate school. And the bullies. And everything. Waking up early. Ugh. I look over and Vikk is holding on to my torso. I love him. On our first official date, Vikk made dinner, it was my favorite. Pasta and meat sauce. With brownies for desert. I didn't even know he was capable of making a hot pocket, without burning the house down. He's so sweet. He just wants me to be happy. I slowly moved out of his arms, being careful not to wake him. He looks so sweet when he's asleep.

I started getting ready for school, while listening to Beautiful-Eminem. That song is amazing.

~After getting ready~

I walked downstairs. This was my outfit: (Media)

Slowly I crept into the kitchen, and Rob was sitting there on his phone

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Slowly I crept into the kitchen, and Rob was sitting there on his phone. Most likely Twitter. I popped a frozen waffle in the toaster, and sat down at the bar with a glass of orange juice.
"Why were you asleep so early last night?" Rob asked.
Shit. I can't tell him.
"Um. I-i was tired. I stayed up late the previous night, and school was tirering. " I lied. But shit hopefully he didn't notice my stutter.
"Hmm. Well why do you have a bruise on your cheek?" He asks, clearly not buying it.
"U-um, I was playing doge ball, and someone accidentally hit me in the eye." I say, stuttering. Shoot.
"Oh.. ok.." I don't think he believes me.. Oh well. I hear the toast maker pop. I eat my waffle with butter & Syrup. I eat in silence, Rob is silent.
"You'll have to take the bus today, I can't drive you," Rob tells me.
"Ok. Well I'll see you after school," I said with a fake smile. Hopefully the sluts don't come and try to bully me today.

~Time skip to arrival at school~

I arrive at school. And go straight to my first class, Science. It's probably my least favorite. Oh well.

~After Classes ~

I'm walking to lunch, we just finished math. It was exhausting. I was going to sit with Laura at lunch. We sat down, and this boy joined us, he said his name was Luke. He was kinda cute. He has black hair, he was kind of shy, apparently he was 'popular'. He was wearing red t shirt and black jeans. He was pretty hot. But not my type.

"May I sit with you guys?" He asked.
"I mean, if you want to." Laura replied.
"Ok thanks." He seemed like he genuinely wanted to sit with us.

~after school~

Well today I got beaten up again. She said that I was 'hanging around her boyfriend'. I don't even know who her boyfriend is. Me and Laura met up after school, since we have completely different schedules. And she still doesn't know that the pack is my family. I laugh to myself.
~time skip to arrival~
"Alright, we're here!" I say.
"Wow. This house is huge. Are you like a millionaire or something?" She asks.
"Nah. You'll see soon." I reply. And she gives me big eyes. I knock at the door, and Lachlan, Rob and Preston answer it.
"Hey Maddie! Vikk's upstairs, and Mitch is in the front room!" I look over at her and she is smiling like an idiot, and screaming inside. Lachlan looks especially shy, and he's looking at Laura. Aw. I ship it.
"Oh, Laura this is- you know who they are. Boys, this is Laura!" I tell them.
"Hi Laura!" Preston says.
"H-hey Laura!" Lachlan stutters. Aw.
"Hello!" Vikk says. I didn't know he was downstairs. I run over to him and give him a peck on the cheek.
"Hi Madds" Vikk whispers in my ear.
"Hi Vikky." I whisper back.
"OI guys cut it out." Rob shouts.
"Your just jealous that Chelsea isn't here." I tease Rob.
"Wow. Ouch." He says with a hand on his heart.
I take Laura's hand and drag her upstairs, into my room.
"Soooo, did you like my surprise?" I ask.
"Yes! Lachla- nothing." She says.
"Awwwwwwwwww, do you have a wittle cwrush?" I ask.
"What-no!" She yells.
"Hmm. Okay then.." I reply.
A/N sorry for the odd chapter and for not posting yesterday. I was raising money for cancer. And I was super busy.

Adopted by the Pack || Vikkstar123 FFWhere stories live. Discover now