Grillbys with Sans ~Chapter 2~

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            -Y\N's POV-
         Sans and I walked through the door and saw a variety of monsters hanging out and celebrating their freedom.

             "This place used to be underground where monsters chill and this is where they STILL chill to this day" he explained "I'm also widely known here" he grinned his forever grin. We sat on a bar stool and he looked at me.

              "So..uh, are you a monster or a human?" He calmly asked.I hesitated but told him anyway.

              "I WAS a failed experiment when I was only a child scientists injected me with cat DNA. They saw no progress so they threw me out and left me to die. But soon, I grew a tail and ears, F\N my 'Friend' found me and took me in. But today we...had an argument" I explained holding my rage and fear back.

"Oh, I'm sorry I asked" said putting a hand on my shoulder. I sighed.

"It's fine" I gave a weak smile. 

"Would you like anything?" He asked.

"Well maybe a F\D..but you don't have to pay I will"

"Nah kid you've been through enough" he said with his smile. Speaking of money I remembered what I came to Grillbys for in first place, a job.

"Hey um, Grillby do you have any job openings?" I asked which surprised Sans.

"...yeah we have one position..can you come in tomorrow at 9 am?" He asked and I nodded. "OK you start tomorrow" he said. Finally, I had a job. My F\D came and I took a sip. Finally, I finished it and just then Sans made a pun and I almost choked on my drink. When he saw me he started to gasp for air but then again he a skeleton...weird. By this time he was crying with small neon blue tears. I glared and just then a robot with pink and black on bursted through the door.

"Sans" the robot walked up to us "Sanss~ have you seen pappy?~" he rolled his white pupils.

"No Mettaton I haven't seen him check with Undyne or just go back to do whatever you do" he sounded irritated

"Who's this person Sans?~ hmm?~" The robot whose name I was assuming was Mettaton looked at me as if I was prey. I smiled nervously at Mettaton.

"This is Y\N now leave I'm sure she doesn't want to hang out with an experiment in artificial STUPIDITY ." Mettaton shrieked like a girl and I was shocked. Mettaton jumped at Sans but Sans quickly dodged like nothing. I stood up from my stool and walked in the middle and made my voice flat and cold. "S T O P  N O W  B E F O R E  T H I S  G E T S  O U T  O F  H A N D" I looked at them with such a menacing look they both stopped but had a confused look on. I couldn't let this get out of hand..Mettaton left and Sans sat back down. The face I had slowly disappeared and I felt myself plummeting toward earth and "Y\N!!!" Being screamed. 

A\N: Hello! Sam da Author here and I'm sorry for the short chapter! I was inspired by Angel from Maximum Ride for this power of influencing people to stuff against their own will. So yeah now this is Sam...

                                    and I will see you,
                                                                      next illusion!!

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