Stalker Y\N ~Chapter 7~

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Should you?? Or should you not?? Fuck it. You put a bow in front of your cat ears and looked at yourself. You felt like a stalker for doing this. You were wearing a (F\C) dress,(2F\C) flats, that fit comfortably and a black bow that went with it. You also got your purse and strapped it around your neck (it's one that you put around your neck and stops at your waist). Papyrus happily agreed to go with you even if he is dating Mettaton, he called it a "play date". You heard a knock on the door meaning Papyrus was there. You quickly walked there to open it.

"HELLO (Y\N)!" This was the first time he called you by your name he usually calls you HUMAN.

"Hey papyrus" you smiled

"ARE YOU READY?" You nodded and you two started to walk to a more fancier Grillbys. Apparently, Grillbz also owned a fancier restaurant also called Grillbys. It wasn't a long walk it was only a block away from the bar\restaurant Grillby. You two walked through the glass double doors as the hostess directs you and Paps to your seats. You saw Sans and Toriel a few yards away talking and laughing and you gritted your teeth. Why am I so angry? Toriel is nice and lucky to be on a date with Sans. You thought to yourself as then your thoughts were interrupted.

"Hello I'm Fukufire and I'll be taking your orders today" she smiled happily. She was a green flame dressed as a server (obviously). She resembles a lot like Grillby now that you think of it.

"I'll have (f\d)"

"And I'll have Milk" Paps replied in a quieter tone surprisingly

"All right! I'll be right out with those, in the meantime take some time to look at our menu!" She said happily and put menus out in front of you two.

"Thank you" you said as she nodded leaving. You look at the menu until Papyrus breaks the silence.

"(Name) can I ask you something?" You look up from the menu looking at Paps.

"Of course"

"Do you like Sans?" Your heart dropped to your stomach. Was I that obvious?!?! You panicked.

"" You nervously replied.

"Listen (name) you can tell me I might be loud but I can keep secrets even from my brother"

"-sigh- Yes Pap I do he's just so kind and funny I like him a skele-TON" you giggle as Paps frowned but let it go this time.

"(Name) you got to tell him before -cough- Toriel -cough- takes him from you, If you want I can help"

"Thanks but no thanks Pap, I like him and I need to do this by myself. I just wonder if he does like Toriel instead of me..". You tell him as you look down your eyes become glossy. The waiter comes back and takes your orders once again.

"Hey, you work with my dad right?" She asks "its um..(name) right?" You nodded and she smiled "it's nice to meet you," she said and walked off with the orders. Your thoughts wander as your cat ears turn in the direction of Sans and Toriel chatter.

(Small time skip brought to you by me not wanting to write a lot cuz I'm lazy XP sorry)

"I'm sorry.....I ....." Was all you heard as you finished your f\f and your tail stood straight hearing the next word "(name)" your eyes widen in fear what about me?! Does he know I'm here? You heard the chair move as the person got up. Sans got up and left leaving Toriel

"He left I'm following him could you please pay I'm sorry I'll pay you back later" you tell him quickly and walk out. As you walk out you dash towards your house not taking the chance of him actually going and you not being there. As you approached your house your legs hurt due to the flats having no support. You sighed and opened the door to your house walking in.

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