Stalker Sans ~Chapter 5~

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My shift was over at 10 pm. I walked in my house and set my things down and went to my room. I took out my Pajamas and was about to change into them when I heard footsteps in my living room. I took the knife that was under my bed and walked out. The footsteps were quiet but I could hear them. I gripped the knife as I made my way to the living room then the kitchen. I saw a short figure rummaging through my fridge. I sneaked up behind them, twirled them around, held them by the neck and held up the knife.

it was...Sans? Sans then looked slightly scared.

"Sans what the hell?!" I yelled as I lowered my weapon. He had this very slight tint blue then he pushed me away and took out a ketchup bottle from my fridge.

"Hey Y/N I just came to check on you!"

"By breaking into my house?! How did you even get in here?!" I asked

"I-uh...I have my ways" he just said. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"I'll be in my room if you need me but please knock don't just barge in" I walked into my room and changed into my pajamas when I realized, how does Sans eat? I figured I'll ask him so I got up and walked over to where he was and he was reading a book...A BOOK I WROTE!

"SANS WHAT ARE DOING?!" I yelled as I ran and took the book out of his bony hands "YOU DON'T JUST GO READING PEOPLE'S BOOKS!!" I glared at him while holding the book close.

"S-Sorry! I should probably leave anyway.." Oh no..I think I made him think that I don't like him here...

"Wait, Sans! I-I'm sorry for yelling at you and you can stay here if you want " I smiled softly at him. "Oh and by the do you eat?" I waited for an answer.

"Oh um Magic most of us Monsters are made of it see" he actually opened his mouth and there was a neon blue tongue sitting in his mouth. I sat there looking at it and I noticed that Sans's left eye socket was glowing blue color. I lifted my hand up to the glowing eye and tried to touch it. I touched the rim of his eye socket when I tried to touch his eye but my hand was swatted away by his hand. He had this blue blush? In his skull. How do skeletons blush?!

"S-sorry" I said. An awkward silence fell and Sans fell asleep accidentally and was snoring loudly. I sighed.

"Sans" I shook him trying to wake him from his slumber but with no avail. I rolled my eyes and put a blanket over him before returning to my own bed.

-time skip brought to you by blueberry underswap sans-

My eyes fluttered open and I switched sides to come face to face with a skeleton! I screamed and the skeleton sat up eye glowing a blue color. My slightly dusted with a light red as I realized it was Sans!

You're PURRfect For Me{Sans X Neko! Reader Book One in the Save File series}Where stories live. Discover now