Youre best Nightmare ~Chapter 8~

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The sight when you opened your door made you drop your keys. O\N, they were here. Sans was tied up in a chair with magical ropes his left eye glowing a bright blue in anger. You covered your mouth and your ears went fully down as they grinned like a maniac. You then remembered your powers and tried to communicate with Sans through mind reading. You sent him a reassuring thought Sans calm down this is my problem I'm so sorry to drag you into this. I don't want you to get hurt. I'm so sorry. You sent the thought hoping he got it and suddenly you heard a voice inside your head and it wasn't your own voice. It's OK (name) It's not your fault you didn't bring her here right? You didn't reply. His eye dimmed a bit but it was still glowing. Yes, this was your fault but you didn't want to say anything so you stayed quiet.

"Look what the cat dragged in" O\N grinned. "Oh wait you are a cat! Haha!" Had to make her a bitch didn't You?

"Listen O\N it doesn't have to be like this-"

"Oh shut up! You reset after joining me then you're loaded to your last save and now you want peace? Too late!" She glared at you. Sans was watching and you refused to just glance at him.

"Ok, ok I'm sor-"

"SILENCE!!" then you were thrown to the wall but someone caught you. You slowly opened your eyes to reveal your rescuer. A girl with long red hair, blue sparkling eyes, wearing a black jacket, red shorts, and knee-high black converse caught you while flying.

"You OK?" She asked as O\N gritted her teeth in anger. You nodded as she gave you a reassuring smile and put you down her black wings slightly brushing you.

"Sam! I thought you were dead!! Don't tell me you have DETERMINATION too!" She said in a pissed tone.

"Surprise, surprise bitch" Sam grinned at her which made O\N more pissed. "Now let's see this will play out..ah yes I'm going to....KICK YOUR ASS"  Sam grinned like a manic for a split second which made you and O\N flinch.

Sam lunged at O\N at an inhuman speed and punched her with a golden-black flame sending O\N flying into a wall. Sam got her shirt and yanked them up. O\N was glitching and seemed sad. "You're only a glitch in this world, not a fully developed person like me, you are not connected with your creator..yet" Sam explained "maybe if Y/N wants to she can fully create you and she will have the choice to just make you as a separate person or she can turn into O\N at any time" "what will you choose?" Sam looked at you waiting for your answer.

                        "I believe I should give her a second chance and I will fully develop her and make her a separate person" you announced.

You're PURRfect For Me{Sans X Neko! Reader Book One in the Save File series}Where stories live. Discover now