Lets Start Over ~Chapter 9~

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O\N (Oc's Name) looked at you with watery eyes. "H-how can you forgive me? I'm just a glitch scrap me.." They looked down.

"Listen O\N I'm going to restart on you I promise, A new body and everything I swear" you smiled and they silently cried and glitched more. She was then encased in a black dark magic box.

"I'll send her back to where she came from for now but once you completely finish her she should come back" Sam said with her back towards you "I'll have hope that you make her nice" she said as she turned to face you but she didn't have red hair or blue eyes. It was the girl you met before you went to spy on Sans and Toriel!

 "you are a creator aren't you? you're linked with your OC's body aren't you?" she smiled and nodded. You cut the ties from Sans and he got up.

"how else would I know all of this?" she asked and you opened your mouth to reply but she was gone.

"spooky" sans said and you grinned.  Why was Sans here again?

"hey sans" he looked at you "why are you here anyway?" A faint blue hue covered his cheekbones. He laughed nervously.

"ha..heh..well you see...I HAVE TO PAY GRILLBY BYE Y/N!!" He rushed out the door sprinting as fast as his skele feet could take him. You sighed he will never pay him so that's a lie... you thought and got a sketchbook and a pencil. You walked out the door and headed to Sans and Papyrus's house in which you realized wasn't very far away. You were about to knock before you here semi-loud talking


"I just couldn't do it bro..what if she doesn't like me? tch, of course, she wouldn't its just a dream I keep chase and it takes me nowhere" Sans told Pap.

"Trust me, Sans..she does I can tell," Pap said in a quieter voice "and I'll make sure she does..tell you what why don't you go to Grillbys and figure out how to tell her then I invite her over for dinner?" There was silence and you felt sad. If only he knew how much that hurt me too....

"ok let's do it," Sans said and you heard footsteps go towards the door and you quickly hid..................

You're PURRfect For Me{Sans X Neko! Reader Book One in the Save File series}Where stories live. Discover now