You have a what planned ~Chapter 6~

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Sans fell off the bed due to you pushing him.

"What the hell?!" You screamed while jumping off the bed. Sans slowly arose putting his hands up defensively.

"OK ok, I'm sorry I don't even don't know how I got up here!" You heavily sighed.

"Ok, its fine" You then started to fix the bed.

"Oh my god, I forgot I have a date planned with Tori!" He yelled while he ran down the stairs. You quickly ran after him.

"Sans wait!" You yelled as he was about to walk out the door. "You have a what?" You eye him suspiciously.

"A date with Toriel" he plainly said "Bye Y/N!" He waved while running off. You slightly gritted your teeth. Toriel? Toriel really? You sighed and to your realization You were Jealous. You gasped and shook your head. Nononono. Are you jealous of Toriel? Pshh. No. You suddenly felt lonely and it kinda hurt you. You went to the kitchen and decided to make a sandwich (SANSwhich). You took out a butter knife to spread the mayo but as soon as you touched the knife a flash of white appeared.

You were running in some place with purple walls. They looked old. As you ran you met Toriel at the end and she was blocking the doors to an exit. "You don't understand... He, Asgore, will kill you...Child, please stay I'm trying to protect you!" You stood there refusing to leave. "Alight but me you will survive!" You then entered a battle and everything was black and white. Fireballs flew at you dodging them. You had no control over your body you were seeing it through the eyes of another person. They touched the FIGHT button as you tried to stop. They slashed the knife across Toriel and you felt yourself grin. "Y-You really hate me th-that much? ....Heh..haha..AHAHA!! It seems that I was protecting them from you!" She closed her eyes slowly becoming dust. "D-Don't protect the ch-child..." She whispered before being only a memory, dust now.

You were breathing heavily backed up against the wall, eyes wide. Do you see now? I and you are to kill not befriend. You can't run from me I am apart of you. We can take over this pathetic world, will you join me?

                                                                                                        * Join.     Do Not

You chose to join.

great now let's start with one simple task. You didn't feel your body but your arms grabbed your head and with a quick move, you ended with a SNAP.

                                                                                                                GAME OVER

                                                                                                    Load file? *Yes No

 Do you see now? I and you are to kill not befriend. You can't run from me I am apart of you. We can take over this pathetic world, will you join me?   

                                                                                                     Join.     *Do Not

"No! I will not join! I refuse and if I have to fight you so be it!" You yelled. I see...see how long your DETERMINATION lasts, until next time tah,tah! Then you head nothing but a knock on the door and you went to open it and a girl with curly black hair, red glasses, black fnaf jacket, red shorts, and gray converse high tops with zippers in the back.

 "Hello, I'm Samantha Rose your new neighbor you can call me Sam though!" She smiled happily at you

"Hey I'm Y/N but you can call me N/N" You shook her hand she seemed nice...

You're PURRfect For Me{Sans X Neko! Reader Book One in the Save File series}Where stories live. Discover now