Awesome Chapter name ~Chapter 18~

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You sighed as Frisk informed you that Undyne was your next oppent. I got Sans' jacket she gots nothing on me. You thought as you appourched her. She gave a small speech as you and Frisk ingaged in a battle. Your F/C soul came out as well as Frisk's Red Soul. Undyne waved her spear as both Yours and Frisk's soul turned to a green color. You cant escape now.

You tell Undyne you don't want to fight
Nothing happens

You blocked the spears coming at you and Frisk helped as well. After what seemed like a hour your soul turned back to F\C and Frisks' back to red,and you got the chance to flee. You pressed flee as Undyne angerly ran after both you. She caught up pretty fast as she tried to attack again but you fled again. You ran in fear as you saw a sign that read
"Welcome to Hotland". As you ran into this new place your phone began to ring. You answered the phone to have your ears blasted off.

"HEY! WHATS UP?!" Paps voice boomed over the cellphone.

"Papyrus?! What the?!" You asked confused

"HELLO (NAME) I WAS THINKING, YOU, ME, AND UNDYNE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME! I THINK YOU WOULD MAKE GREAT PALS! LETS MEET UP AT HER HOUSE LATER!" Paps said then hung up before you could respond. You sighed as you entered battle again.

"Stop running away! Wait a minute are you wearing Sans' Jacket?" She asks and as she was distracted you pressed flee again and ran off. She stood there for a moment before running after you again. You looked to the left seeing Sans asleep at his post, sleeping. You shook your head as you were getting uncomfortably hot. You got to a bridge and crossed it. Once you were on the other side a water dispenser was placed there as undye slowly came across the bridge.

"" She collapsed on the floor as you panicked. Frisk simply got a cup of water from the water dispenser and poured it on Undyne. She got up and looked at both of you then walked off.

"What???" You asked confused.

Heya I haven't updated so heres a shitty chapter lol~A\N

You're PURRfect For Me{Sans X Neko! Reader Book One in the Save File series}Where stories live. Discover now