M E R C Y ~Chapter 20~

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You stood frozen at what you saw. Your monster friends and your Bonefriend trapped in Flowey's trap. It made your blood boil with anger.

"Y/N what do we do?" Frisk asked trying not to take control because they know that you must be the one to defeat flowey.

"Save them I hope" you replied to Frisk.

"You IdIotS! While you were having your little moment I CAPTURED THE HUMAN SOULS! and you know what the best part is?" Flowey asked and looked directly at you in the eyes. "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" Flowey cackled.

"Its all your fault" it rung in your head.

"No its not!" You yelled at him not daring to let him convince you it is is your fault. That wouldn't be good for any you. "I'll Stop you!!' You yelled as your eye flickered F/C.

"Oh ReAlly?" Flowery chuckled "with both the Human AND monster souls I will be able to achevie my GREATEST form!"

"Flowey please why are you doing this?" You asked him

"Don't you get it? If you leave here satisfied the book will end! You won't want to play anymore!" Explained to you "And what would I do then? BUT this Book will NEVER end. I'll hold Victory in front of you and just when your about to grab it...ILL TEAR IT AWAY JUST BEFORE YOU GRASP IT. O V E R AND OVER. But if you DO defeat me i'll give you your 'Happy Ending'. I'll give you your friends back,destroy the barrier,and EVERYONE will be happy and Satisfied. BUT THAT WONT HAPPEN. Y O U! I'll keep you here no matter what!" Flowey switched positions.

"No! Don't do that to Y/N!" Sans yelled out and it made you tear up seeing your boyfriend in pain but still trying to protect you.

Suddenly its like Deja Vu to when you first met Flowey and he tricked you.

Your F/C soul was trapped in a tiny box and flowey incased you in 'Friendliness Pellets'.

"EVEN IF IT MEANS KILLING YOU  1,000,000 TIMES!!!!!"  The pellets launched at your body and inflicting damage each time. You screamed out in pain and your cries made Sans tear up more every time you screamed but made Flowey cackle even more everytime. Finally you couldn't go on much longer. Your health was at 1/25 and you saw a fresh new batch of pellets with your name written all over them. You closed your eyes tightly and whispered."I love you Sans" . When you braced for it you didn't feel anything. No pain. You slowly opened your eyes to see a fire barrier around you. "What?!" You looked up at toriel and saw a patient smile on her face.

"Do not be afraid my Child..No matter what happens..We will always be there to protect you!" Toriel tried to encourage you to keep going. Pellets appeared on your left and right.But bones and a spear were there to protect you.


"Hey! Human! You got past ME you can take on this guy! So don't worry! We're all with you to the end!"

"Y/n,babe,you still haven't beaten this guy? come on. this weirdo's got notthin on you. Your amazing and powerful. Under all that just unleash your special power. I know you got it in ya!" Sans said which comforted you.

Another pair of pellets and again you were protected.

"T-Technally its i-inpossible for you to b-beat h-h-him...B-But somehow I-I know you can do it!!"

"Human..for the future of Humans and Monsters..! You have to stay Determined!" Monsters came in some from Snowdin,Hotland,Waterfall Everywhere!!

"UGH NO NO!!! Unbelievable!! This can't be happening!! You...Y O U!" he stopped for a bit before he grinned insanely. "I can't believe youre all so STUPID!" The ground shook violently and Flowey cackled "ALL OF YOUR SOULS ARE MINE!" It became bright and brighter that you had to shut you eyes. All color faded and the room was dark. You opened your eyes and a pererson was in front you with its back turned to you.

"H-Hello?" You shyly said to this stranger.

"Finally" the person spoke "I was so tired of being a Flower.."  He turned to you with his eyes closed. It was a goat child with a green sweater with cream spripes.

"Howdy! Chara,are you there? Its me..your best friend.." 'What? I'm not Chara who is he talking about?' You thought to yourself. A flash of whote light appeared and the goat had transformed into an older looking goat wearing a dress similar to toriels.

"Asriel       Dreemurr"


So there you go guys your long awaited chapter! I'm super duper sorry for the wait but I got off my lazy ass and got to work!
But this is your horrible Author signing off

"See you
Next illusion!"

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