The underground was freed wasnt it? ~Chapter 14~

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          You stared at the light processing everything. What happened? Why am I laying on a bed of flowers? How did this happen? Your sat up doing a 360. The people next to you was (Oc name) and a child in a navy blue and magenta sweater with blue shorts and brown boots. They also had short brown straight hair that wen to their shoulders. You sat in thought as a certain monster came to mind. Sans. You shot up and woke up (oc name) and the other child.

           "Come on guys we got to get out of this place!" They slowly awoke and looked confused. The child saw where they were and started to cry.

            "Im so sorry (name)! I-I didnt do this I swear!" You soon felt sorry for the kid and hugged them.

             "Hey..hey its ok where are we?" You questioned.

             "The Underground" they replied.

             "The underground was freed wasnt it?" You asked confused.

             "This timeline was reseted though and since you knew Sans and your over 50% human you were dragged along as well"

             "What about (oc name)?"

              "Its just me and you no one else" they told you

               "Oh" (oc name) must be invisible to others you thought.

               "Im Frisk by the way"

               "Im (Name)" you told them and helped them up.

                "Nice to meet you (Name), ok in the next room there will be a talking flower, dont be alarmed and dodge the "friendliness pellets" he talks about they are actually very dangerous" you nod and walk into the next room as a flower with a very friendly grin greets you guys.

                 "Why are there two of you?" The flower asked under his breath but quickly replaced it "Howdy! Im flowey the flower! Golly you guys must he so confused! Well I'm here to teach you guys all about the underground!" The room became back and white as a (favorite color) heart was in front of my chest and Frisk's was red. "You see that?" The flower pointed to the heart In front of both of us "that's your soul! The very being of you! Now there will be friendliness pellets and get as many as you can!" The pellets camd and you remembered to dodge them. "Haha...gets you forgot to get them,try it again" The flowey's smile faltered ad the pellets came again and you dodged again. "YoU KnOw WhAtS gOiNg On HeRe DoNt YoU?" The flower had this crazy insane smile and box incased both of you. "DIE" Pellets were all around the box and was going going towards you two. You closed your eyes and braced for the impact that never came. A small yell  from the Flower and the color in the room reappeared meant the battle was interrupted.

                "what as nasty creature terrorizing innocent souls... Hello children I am Toriel the care taker of the ruins,come I will guide you through the puzzles" Toriel helped both You and Frisk up and held both of your and Frisk's hand. So this is what Toriel was like in the Underground? Does she know Sans by now? Toriel's voice snapped you out of your thoughts "so what is what are your names children?"

                   "My name is (name)" you told her

                   "Im Frisk" Frisk told Torirl as well. She guided you two through the puzzles and you two finally got to her house. Frisk asked for a place to rest and Toriel let you guys sleep in a room made for two.

                                TIMESKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY FRESH! SANS HE'S  RADICAL

                  You woke up first and saw two pieces of pie on the floor. You got the one closest to you and saved it for later. Frisk then woke up and took a slice too.

            "We need to go,the only way to leave is to shatter the barrier" Frisk said and you nodded then you wondered,has Frisk been through this before?
            "Hey Frisk can I ask you something?"

            "Ask away" they said.

           "Have you been through this before?" They're expression saddened and they nodded
            "Yes I have, I have this power of resetting and save points since I have DETERMINATION. As long as I have that I'm basically immortal and you should have it too" they told you and you sort of understood "shall we go?" You nodded and opened the door.

            "Oh! Children you are up,did you rest good?" You both nodded and Frisk spoke.

             "How do we leave the ruins?" They asked but they seemed to be sad.
              "I-Im sorry I must attend to something.." Toriel swiftly got up and walked briskly down stairs. Frisk ran after her and you followed along too. Your tail brushed against somethings every once and a while. Finally at the end of the hallway Toriel stood there blocking the exit

              "Chilren please stay you don't know He,Asgore will kill you stay with me." You stood your ground as you and Frisk entered a battle.

      "Oh my gosh I totally forgot I have a date with Tori! Bye (name)!"  that sentence replayed in your mind.

            "DONT KILL HER!!! Frisk yelled and you found yourself the FIGHT, the first button before ACT,ITEM,and MERCY.You gasped and retracted your hand and hit MERCY instead. Oh my gosh...I almost killed Toriel..

                                                        TIME SKIP CUZ IM LAZY

             You hugged Toriel and headed out of the Ruins with Frisk and instantly your skinwas hit with cold,snowy air. How is it cold out here but warm in the Ruins? You may never know.

                  "We meet Sans here"

                   "WE DO?!" You asked excited to see your bonefriend. They nodded as you both walked the snow crunching under your feet.You kept walking and then heard a twig snap. You jumped and your tail stood straight up. Frisk giggled and explained it was just Sans and that  it happens all the time. You just nod and you both stop at a bridge with bars to keep thinks out but were too big.

                    "Humans...D O N T Y O U K N O W H O W T O G R E E T A N E W P A L?" You knew that voice anywhere,you spun around with a grin covering your face.

                   "Sans!! oh my gosh I missed you!" You threw your arms around him and pulled him into an embrace.

                     "uh...Kid do I know you?" Your eyes widened and you slowly let him go"

                     "Sans....heh I-Its me (name), remember? Y-Your girlfriend...You..You don't remember do you?" You asked sad and you felt a crack appear in your soul.

                      "Im sorry but you must have me confused with another skeleton" he said and you dell into a deep hole called 'forgotten'.

                                                                         HP 10/13

You're PURRfect For Me{Sans X Neko! Reader Book One in the Save File series}Where stories live. Discover now