Planning and Recreation ~Chapter 13~

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         You sat on the couch with your sketchbook in hand and stared at the wall,brainstorming. A few minutes later a knock on the door snapped you out of your thoughts.

            "Oh my my god who the hel- SANS!" You practally threw open the door and your ears perked up. You didn't mind Sans coming over,maybe he could help you! You were currently making a new design for (oc name) so you were excited.

             "Hey Y\N " he said in his relaxed voice.

              "Hey Sansy" You said with a barely audioble purr. "Hey Im remaking O\N you wanna help?" You questioned. He nodded and you brought him in the living room. You and him sat on the couch and you moved the sketch book out of the way.

               "Hey did you draw this?" You nodded as he took the sketch book out of your hands "its awesome!" He complimented as you blushed.
               "Thanks!" You smiled as he scratched your cat ears. You took your sketch book and finished lining them. (Oc name) looked awesome.
(Describe how he/she looks here lol)

             You set the book next to you and laid on Sans side. He put an arm around you and turned on the TV. You grinned as you saw you favorite show come on. You and Sans continued to watch movies and goof around. It was pretty late but you were hungry.

              "Sansss I'm hungryyy" you told him. He looked at you then smiled.

               "For deez?"

               "Deez what?" You asked but soon realized what was coming next. Your face blushed red as he put his bony hand down his shorts and brought out a jar that contained peanuts and read "Deez nuts".

                 "Deez nuts" you face palmed while laughing and lightly punched Sans' shoulder.

Nothing shall come between you two

Or so you thought.

    That night everything you once knew was gone in a second.

     (name)! Oh my gosh something is wrong with the universe! Timelines are resetting randomly this is bad. The more they mess around with timelines,the better chance of things that aren't supposed to be here,will spawn here. I'm really sorry for this just use DETERMINATION to push through it I believed in you!

       Your eyes shot open and met with a soft light. You looked around. There was a child next to you,another person,and you were laying on a bed of golden flowers. Where in the fuck?

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