Chapter One

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  Rain tatters down against my window as I aimlessly stare out of it, tracing at some of the droplets. Pulling a knot out of my soft, downy choppy almond hair, I smile meekly at my reflection in the many tiny raindrops. When it rains, whether it is light or heavy, I always feel complete. It is like the rain is pouring out the feelings that the world has had me contain into a bottle. It is a pleasant release of emotions, and so the rain makes me feel content. The rain is my friend.

  I do have other friends who I can lean on, though. I merely don't feel like I should burden people with my feelings. When I do find a rare friend who lets me release feelings, it is nice. It shows me they actually care about me, and that is what I like. When that happens, I am able to form a strong bond of friendship with them. Slowly, I shake my head. Perhaps I should not think about myself right now. Though...I do know one person who is probably thinking about me. His name is Adrian, he lives nearby, and to put it simply: he likes me. He openly displays his emotions, and I almost envy him for that ability. But that does not change the fact that I do not like him back.

 Shaking my head once again to clear myself of thoughts, I get up slowly from watching the rain and go to my closet to retrieve a hoodie. I am going outside. The shower of raindrops has started to pick up in intensity, so I decide to zip up my dark grey hoodie and flip the hood onto my head. I step out of my room, and slip my favorite soft green converse onto my sock-covered feet. Once I am ready to go out into the rain, I make my way to the back door, grabbing keys to the house and my phone on the way.

I open the door, and watch fat droplets of water cascade towards the ground for a minute, until I take my first step outside and close the door behind me. I gingerly sit down on a slab of concrete in front of the door, which is protected from the rain by the roof of my house. I simply sit and watch the rain methodically drip onto the grass, and off the grass onto the ground.

  After a few silent minutes, I decide to slowly rise from the ground and walk around my neighborhood for a while. I doubt anyone will be outside, so I will be walking alone in a neighborhood that seems deserted. Unlike me, the people in my town usually shy away from the rain, hiding in the warm comfort of their homes until it ceases. 

I start walking out of my backyard and onto the wet sidewalk, through small puddles of rain that are now forming on the ground. Not very far down the street, I spot Adrian and inwardly sigh. He undoubtedly knew that I would be out in the rain, for the people of my town know I like the rain, and so I assume that he decided to come out to proclaim his love to me. He does not seem to notice me right now, so I should probably do something before he does.

 Out of the corner of my eye, in a closed off, small square between two grey large houses, I see a pool of water on the ground–which is shielded by an overhang–transform. All of the rain that drips off of the overhang is sucked into the pool, which is now glowing a pale blue color. It begins to stretch away from the ground and hover in the air, slowly forming the shape of a male human being.

The watery head turns towards me, and the being beckons me forward with a moist hand. I oblige without a second thought in my mind, making my way towards the solidifying being and the houses. Light chestnut hair forms on the being's head. I step through the fat droplets of rain falling from the slanted overhang, and blink the water out of my eyes. Opening my chocolate eyes, I see that the watery being has finally taken a solid human form.

His eyes never leave mine as he raises a hand towards the outside—where I came from—and creates a thin wall of water with a simple gesture, cutting us off from the rest of the world. I sit down on a small, shabby bench that is inside the small cubicle, and then I look up at the man. "Raine," I say softly.

Raine smiles at me warmly. "Lyra."

Raine's soft chestnut hair falls in front of his crystal clear blue eyes that are like raindrops. His eyelashes, however, do sparkle with tiny raindrops on them, and frame his seemingly flawless face. A pliable baby blue loose shirt, and dark blue jeans clothe his athletic body. Barefoot.

Raine is the rain–or to put it better–he can control the rain. He has explained to me that he can travel easily by transforming into water. He then can wander the Earth if he pleases, and he pleases to see me. One day in the past by accident, I ran into him. I was walking through the rain, and naturally no one else was outside at the time, so I slowed my pace to get a better look at him. I found myself unable to look away. We stared at each other through the raindrops until he walked up and spoke to me.

Raine took me to the very spot we are in right now and conversed with me, telling me right away who he was. I was genuinely surprised he told me right away, but he explained to me that we are meant for each other. At least that is what he said, describing it like how a thunderstorm must have both rain and thunder to be complete. But of course, this kind of thing is forbidden. A relationship between a human and someone with a special is always forbidden. This is what he told me, and I have to believe him.

Although as Raine puts it, the other people with powers have no choice but to accept it and their attempts to split us apart are useless. I try to believe this, but it is always so difficult. It is me the others try to keep away from Raine, not Raine from me, and it is hard on me. It makes me wonder how he can possibly deal with it.

I stand up, looking at Raine, and then at the wall of water he made. "Was that necessary?"

 Raine softly takes my hands into his, which are damp with rain. His eyes are bleak for a moment as he speaks, and I can hear the rain outside softly drizzle down onto the concrete. "Sadly, yes. The rest of them with powers are protesting much more than they have before, and that wall can keep them away for now."

I look down at the floor sadly. "What are we supposed to do...?" I say, despaired. Taking my hands away from Raine's hands, I cover my face. "We just can't keep going like this...are we supposed to give up?" 

Raine removes my hands from my face, and once again takes them in his. His eyes flash with undeniable anger, and the rain outside pounds into the concrete. "I know I'm not going to give up. I don't care where they put you, or how far away they make me from you. I will find you, I promise." 

Rain from the wall falls down uselessly to the ground, and Raine instantly puts his hand up, patching the wall up with a worried look on his face. "I should go," he simply says.

 I crumple against the closest wall as an overwhelming feeling of loneliness crashes and floods into my mind. "So that's it...? You're just going to leave me, as always."

Raine pulls me into a tight hug, where I can't even try to fight and get away. "You know I could never leave you, even if I tried. I had to warn you, and you know how hard they try to keep us away from each other. This isn't the first time a relationship between a human and a person with a power has happened, and they're bent against not letting it happen again." Raine replies with conviction.

I give into his hug, pressing myself against him, while salty tears escape my eyes involuntarily. "I know, it's just hard never being able to stay."

 Softly running his fingers through my hair, Raine agrees and releases me from his hug. Right after he releases me, Raine softly presses his rainy lips against mine, taking me away from our dilemma. At least for now. 

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