Chapter Two

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        I sigh and give Raine one last teary hug. I hate it that he always has to leave me...he is never able to stay. With one last soft smile, the water that he had formed his body out of splashes coldly onto the ground. He had to leave. I exhale, loneliness enveloping me once again. The wall of water shatters to the floor, and I step out of the cubicle and back into the rain.

        As I start my way back to my house, I see Adrian sitting on my front step and I groan. Can't I get a break? How am I supposed to get home now?

        I could sneak around into my backyard, but he would probably see me. I usually am able to accomplish this feat, but today I am just not feeling it. Pulling my hood around my head tighter, I trudge forward to my house. As I go up my walkway, Adrian notices me, his eyes lighting up as he springs up from sitting down. "Hey, I was looking for you!"

        I wave unenthusiastically at him, and he quickly notices my fatigue. "Hey, are you ok?" Adrian asks, placing a hand lightly on my shoulder, inquiring about my condition.

        "I'm fine," I mutter, lightly pushing Adrian's hand off me. Instead of letting his hand fall to his side after I push it off, he grabs my hand, forcing my senses to heighten with surprise. 

        "You really shouldn't be out in the rain alone. Come to my place for a bit? I promise I will protect you." Adrian asks as he pulls out an umbrella to open up above us before dragging me away from my house.

        "But my house is...just right there..." I say feebly, trailing off as I realize Adrian is going to bring me to his house no matter what. Adrian glances at me, grinning, and pulls me closer to him under the umbrella.

        I blush lightly as Adrian squeezes my hand, reminding me that he still is holding it. I grimace at myself. Since it looks like I can't really run away from him, I might as well take use of the walk and think of ways to get away once we are at his house. When we do arrive at his light grey house, he closes his umbrella and opens the front door, waiting for me to enter first.

        At least he has manners. 

        I enter, and Adrian ushers me towards his living room, where he has a huge polished glass window that is covered in rain droplets. A small furnished couch sits in the middle of the room across from a TV mounted on the wall. A shelf is mounted next to the TV, filled with movies and papers and other novelties. The light scent of burnt food reaches my nose. The room is simple, but has charm. Adrian enters his house after me, puts away his umbrella near the front door, and walks towards me. "Are you ok? You looked a little distraught, and I thought maybe something happened while you were out..."

        I turn my head back towards Adrian from looking sadly at the rain, and plaster a smile on my face. "Yeah, I'm fine."

        Adrian's eyes glitter with relief. He starts talking about the rain and the never-ending rate it seems to be falling at, but the rain drowns out his words for me. My ears don't hear what he is saying, only the rain softly pattering against the windows panes. Is Raine telling me to stay…or to leave? He does this sometimes, communicating with me by the intensity of the rain and the sounds it makes against objects. 

        I can't tell if he is happy or sad. Distressed or exuberant. Would he want me to be here? Is that it; is he…giving up? 

        I shake my head lightly to myself. I have to trust that he would not give up on us. That is what he said. It is not much fun, as one would assume. Every single person I encounter could be someone trying to keep us away. I never know, and I always have to keep my guard up.

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