Chapter Sixteen

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        I glance down at the armor Leonardo has me wearing for today’s training session. It is definitely not the best and toughest armor. I am assuming it is just training armor, which is fine with me. The armor is plain blue padded clothing consisting of a long-sleeved shirt and pants. If it were anything but almost winter right now I would be sizzling inside this, even if it is just padded instead of actual armor.

        It has been one day since I learned that war will truly occur. It was a bit hard to take in, I will admit, since I was so intent on trying to see if peace would transpire instead of war. But I suppose…what happens will happen. If Thardossa wants nothing but war, we will give them war. But after war, I will make sure to create peace. I look back up from analyzing my armor.

        “So, what’s planned for today’s lesson?” I ask.

        “Today we shall test your reactions, especially with dodging items.” Leonardo responds.

        “Oh um, ok.” I respond. Well, I have never had to do anything like this before. So hopefully I pass and don’t get hit. “What…what kind of items…?” I warily ask.

        “We will start with soft balls and pillows. If I feel as if you are ready, we may try dodging powers.”

        “Er, powers?”

        “Yes, Lyra. For example, since Adrian is the only person here that can conjure his powers into a ball, he would be the one whose powers you would dodge.”

        My eyes slip over towards the sidelines. Lance blanches and Adrian stiffens up and waves his arms around, trying to tell me that he had no part in deciding this. I stifle a laugh and nod at him, but I am still daunted by the idea of having to dodge fireballs. I hope this armor is fireproof too.

        “Do you wish to start now?” Leonardo asks me.

        I nod in response. I may as well do this now rather than waiting.

        “Ok, Lyra. You can take your place on that line near the wall, and I will go retrieve the soft balls and pillows.”

        I walk slowly over towards the nearest wall, the wall that Leonardo was pointing at, and take my place on a small strip of tape on the floor. I glance nervously towards Loki, Adrian, and Lance. Loki gives me a thumbs-up, Adrian gives me a small smile, and Lance looks just as worried as I do. I take in a deep breath while watching Leonardo walk over with a few multicolored balls and small pillows. He gives me an inquisitive look to ask me if I am ready, and I nod.

        “Hey,” Adrian calls over from the sidelines, and I glance over towards him. “Every time you don’t get hit, how about I tell you a joke as a reward?”

        I roll my eyes. “Please, don’t.”

        Leonardo draws my attention back towards him by throwing a pillow towards my torso. He throws it very slowly, however, with not a lot of momentum, because I end up catching the pillow.

        Leonardo sighs. “You are not supposed to catch it!” He says to me.

        “You threw it so slowly, what else was I supposed to do?”

        “Just dodge it!”

        I sigh. “Ok, ok Leonardo!”

        Leonardo tosses a pillow towards my feet, and I hop over it. Ok, maybe this isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Just as I turn back towards Leonardo, he winds up and fires a ball towards my head. Squeaking, I drop down to the floor. Glancing over towards Lance, I see the color drain out of his face. Yeah, if Leonardo keeps throwing like this, I will be as worried as Lance is right now. Leonardo continues to throw the pillows and balls, some fast and some slower than the rest. Finally, Leonardo has one sole ball left to throw.

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