Chapter Twelve

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        Peeking out from the curtains that are my eyelids, I groan. Lance grins. "Morning sunshine," He sings. I roll over in my bed, ignoring him. "Aw come on, we have to get your size for clothes so you can be given a new wardrobe! We have a busy day today planned!" Lance states happily, trying to convince me to get out of bed for the day.

         I pull my blankets over my head. "Get out of this room and I'll get up." I mumble, and I guess Lance believed me, because a few moments later I hear my door click shut. Pulling my blankets down and sitting up, my hands go to my hair, straightening it out and fixing it a bit. For some reason it just bothers me when people see me when I just have woken up.

         I rise from my bed and stretch for a minute. From the corner of my eye, red fabric catches my attention. Looking over to the plush couch against a wall in my room, I see that Lance left clothes. I guess that is all he was able to scrummage up if I have to get measured so they can get more clothes for me. I walk over towards the clothes and then head towards the bathroom to freshen up, change, and fix my hair.

        Once dressed and ready for my first full day in Nyden, I check myself over in the mirror, staring myself down. I will be fine. Just because of this revelation Lance told me, does not mean that Raine’s feelings have changed about me. Which…I have to ask Lance about this topic. Because I am from Nyden and Raine is from Thardossa, does that mean I can’t see him anymore to clear this up? And will Thardossa do anything aggressive now since I am in Nyden?

         Stepping out of the bathroom, I hear a knock at my door and I groan. Lance is so impatient. I slip my shoes on and head towards my door, opening it and closing it behind me, joining Lance out in the hallway.

         Lance gives me a quick hello, and then begins briefing me on our “busy day”. “After breakfast we’ll head to the stronghold’s designer who will take your size and measurements so we can get you some new clothes. After that, we can walk around and you can ask any other questions you have before lunch. At lunch, we have to meet your other guards and get you settled into your new room, which by the way is finished being furnished. By dinner time, you get to meet the leader of this stronghold and the leader of Nyden.”

         I throw a look at Lance. “Are they not the same person?”

         Lance shakes his head lightly. “Oh no sorry, they are the same person. I meant that they are the same person. But anyways, off to breakfast!” Lance locks his arm around mine, and guides me towards what I assume is either the kitchen or the dining room. “I’m sure since you didn’t eat last night,” Lance murmurs. “You’re pretty hungry.”

         Well if I am hungry, I haven’t noticed yet. As Lance leads me through the halls, I sigh lightly. If I am going to live here for some time…it will definitely take awhile to memorize this place. Not only just the stronghold, but the whole city too. It is still indefinite how long I will be staying in Nyden, so I have to make sure to include that in one of my questions to Lance later in the day.

         Lance gradually slows down walking when we reach a spacious, cerulean-colored room with kitchen appliances.  I breathe in the wonderful aroma of food. The kitchen. “Sorry, the cook is out today, but I thought that we’d be able to make or find something.” Lance explains, letting go of my arm and walking towards the large cream-colored refrigerator against the wall next to us. “What do you feel like having?”

         I shrug slightly, and slowly walk over towards the island in the middle of the kitchen. I take a seat under one of the hanging lights.

         “Oh come on, you have to know.”

        "I guess it mostly depends on what you have here,” I reply.

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