Chapter Nine

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        Slightly opening one of my eyes, I let out a small yawn. That was a really long movie night I spent at Lance's house. Rubbing my eyes softly, I feel a weight on my shoulders that I didn't notice before. Slowly turning my head to my right, I let out a small involuntary gasp as I see Lance right next to me, peacefully sleeping. What happened? Did we fall asleep? I mean, of course we did did I end up so close to him and why is his arm around me?  

        Accidentally letting out a squeal, I feel Lance shift, waking up. Frantically moving away, I end up rolling off the couch somehow and thumping onto the floor. Lance looks at me with a confused look, but then he grins and lets out a tiny chuckle. "How did you end up down there?"

        Pouting, I move my hands to fix my hair a bit. "I fell."

        Lance looks puzzled at first, but soon he realizes what happened and why I tried to get away. "Oh, sorry, I-"

        "It's fine," I say, cutting off Lance and waving at him. "How did we fall asleep anyways?"

        Lance stretches and shrugs. "I really don't know. I guess I just passed out when we were watching the movie."

        I nod slowly. "Yeah, I just don't really know how I let myself fall asleep."

        Lance shrugs again, and offers a hand out to me to help me get up, which I accept. "Ah," Lance says fiercely as he hauls me up off his floor. "You don't even have new clothes for today."

        I inwardly groan. "Right."

        Lance thinks for a moment, getting off his couch slowly. "Well, I guess you can borrow some of my clothes if you don't mind."

        As Lance walks towards his room to either get me clothes or change clothes himself, I think this over. Obviously I would like to have new clothes for the day, but wearing Lance's clothes just seems...weird. But I guess it can't hurt.

        I stretch a bit, trying to loosen up any knots that were created by sleeping on the couch, and falling to the floor soon after I awoke. Man, I didn't expect to fall asleep, especially at Lance's house. What time is it anyways? I think I am supposed to work today, and I don't want to be late. From Lance's room, I hear a phone ring and Lance answering it. After I hear him hang up, he walks out with jeans and a long sleeved dark plaid shirt in hand, presumably for me. Lance himself has also changed clothes, into grey jeans and a loose light chestnut shirt.

        "Here," Lance states as he hands over the clothes. "These are small on me, so they might fit." 

        I nod, and start to walk to the bathroom to change.

        "Oh and hey!" Lance calls out to me as I make my way to his bathroom. I turn around to look at him. "Don't worry about work today, Brett called and said that he's covering a big story, so we aren't needed today. Of course though, he'll need you tomorrow for the editing."

        "Alright thanks," I say, smiling at Lance and continuing my way so I can change clothes. Reaching Lance's bathroom, I swing the door open and close it behind me. Trying not to take too long, I change my clothes into Lance's clothes, which are a bit loose and big on me, but it is good enough. Bundling my clothes up into a wad, I leave Lance's bathroom and head towards the living room, where Lance takes my clothes from me.

        "I can clean them and give them back to you once they're dried." Lance says nonchalantly. "If it's ok with you." 

        I think it over for a second, and give Lance a slight nod. "Yeah...sure, I don't mind."

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