Chapter Six

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        Instead of my phone ringing and scaring me, it calmly wakes me up. I groan, and try my best to stay comfortable in my bed for as long as possible, but it doesn't work. I just have to answer the phone. "Hello?" I say groggily into the phone after half-climbing, half-tripping out of my bed to get the phone.


        I smile. Now I am a bit more awake. It is Angela that called me. Now I remember, I told them they could come over today. I will assume she is calling to find out what time to come over at.

        "Hey." I reply.

        She asks the exact question I had been thinking of. So I reply, saying any time works really, but I have to work at noon for probably a few hours. After a bit more talking, I hang up. We decided that it is easier if Katie and Angela just come over for the night. I mean, why not? They haven't been over for a long time, and this way I can spend the whole night telling them the story if needed.

        So I get ready for the day, dressing in dark jeans and a soft grey shirt. I brush through my tussled short hair, and then eat a quick breakfast. I glance at my clock, and it pronounces the time to be almost 11am. I guess I can start heading over to my job.

        I walk to most places in my neighborhood since it is a pretty small town, but on occasion I will drive the small car I have to places farther away. I mean hey, it never hurt anyone to get exercise and walk places. So I start walking to my new work, hoping I can avoid a certain person on the way there. I am pretty sure it is easy to guess which person. I soon reach my new job, without any blemishes on the way there. I step into the building, quickly greeted by Sophie. She smiles at me, her soft blonde curls bouncing against her shoulders. I smile back, and breathe in the scent of paper and books.

        "I dropped off a small article in your office for you to read over! It's pretty small, so it shouldn't take too long." Sophie informs me, giving me a slight nod. She then heads back to her desk. I start to walk towards my new office. Glancing around a bit, I see that everyone is here. Kaitlyn, Sophie, Lance, and Adrian. Adrian is focused on his computer, so I am assuming he is uploading pictures or something along those lines. I am not sure if Brett is here though…I didn't get a chance to peek into his office to see. I guess I will find out as the day goes on.

        Reaching my office, I open the blackened glass doors and step inside. I amble over towards my chair, and sit down on the plush chair. On my desk in a neat pile is the article Sophie said would be here for me to edit. I might as well get started. Since she gave it to me in paper, I will edit it by hand rather than on the computer. I have figured out myself that if a writer emails me the article, it is to be edited on the computer, but if they give it to me in paper, it should be edited by hand. So I guess I get to edit the first article of my job by hand.

        I grab a pen, the article, and set to work. Since it is a small article, it doesn't take too long to finish. It was about a small animal veterinary clinic that just opened. The article only had a few grammatical errors, and I added a few different word choices for diction. Other than that, since it was a small article, not much was wrong with it.

        Slowly, I get up from my chair to give the article back to Sophie. I open my doors, and turn around to close it. Turning back around to head towards Sophie, I smack straight into Lance, a forehead-to-forehead collision. Thankfully I don't fall and embarrass myself, and neither does Lance. For my forehead to collide against his, he must have been slouching as he was coming over to my door.

        "Ah," I say, automatically pressing my hand against my forehead. I glance up towards Lance and see him massaging his forehead with the palm of his hand. "My fault, I-"

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