Chapter Four

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        I let go of Raine's hands, and lean against my house. Run away? That would mean leaving all I know for Raine. Although, I can’t deny I do feel a warm twinge in my heart from this proposition. Raine usually leaves the problem of us being separated alone, and saying this means he is seizing the problem and trying to get rid of it. 

        Raine looks at me questioningly, waiting patiently for an answer.

        "I...where would we go?"

        "Anywhere, everywhere. Just not here where everyone with powers and Adrian know you are."

        I want to automatically say yes. I really do, but I have to think logically. If we are to leave, shouldn't we prepare? I could get a job and save up money for our travels, instead of running off with no preparation and no destination. I can't say yes, at least not right now. We seriously should prepare before we do this. "I…I can't say yes."

        Raine looks heartbroken. "Why not? You would be with me and we would finally be able to get away from all of this."

        "Shouldn't we prepare first? I mean...going out there head first, with no idea where we're going and almost no money saved…that could be bad."

        Raine widens his eyes and vigorously nods after a moment. "Oh, I didn't think of those things. I guess staying here would be easier than bringing you with me to where I’m from. So...I guess so. Okay, let’s do that." As Raine is about to say something else, lightning crashes violently against the sky, making him wince. "I think I have to go."

         I nod. Usually I don't want him to leave, but this is the longest that he has stayed with me in quite awhile. Plus, he proposed running away with me. He really does care. He isn't going to just run away from me and our problems anymore.

        Raine gives me one last watery wave with a hand, and then dissipates from the water, making the rain he created himself from crash towards the ground, splattering against the hard concrete. I head back inside and go to my computer, ready to set our plan in motion right away. I might as well look for a job. I sit down on my couch and hum while the computer starts up. There has to be some openings for jobs, right? My town isn't that boring…hopefully. The soft hum of my computer tells me that it has turned on, and I log into my account. 

        As it loads my information, I get up and walk around. I live in a quaint, one-story house, so there are no stairs to climb. I check each window to make sure they are shut, and then go to my front door to make sure it is locked. I repeat the process for my back door. I can never be too sure with Adrian around.

        Now that I know he is trying to keep Raine and me apart, I should avoid him at all costs. I am sure next time I won't be able to get out of his grasps so easily, and I am also sure that I am the one out of the two of us he would rather capture. Raine could just use the rain to get away. Plus, Adrian has a thing for me. Ugh.

        Going back to my computer, I start up the internet and wait for that to load so I can search for local job openings.

        Rain still patters lightly against my windows. There are times where Raine can't come to me: when it is not raining. He can control the rain, its size and power, but he can't control how fast rain clouds accumulate. So if there are no rain clouds nearby, we are both out of luck. 

        Looking back at my computer, I type in my town name and "job openings". It loads quickly, and brings me to a site with a list of jobs and various different towns with the same name as my town. All I have to do is find my town on the list and I will be able to see what openings there are and what jobs I would be able to apply for. Finally, I find my town. Wow, is my town really that boring? There are only three job openings, but I guess that just means anyone who wants a job already has one.

        One job is for a newspaper editor. My town has a newspaper, seriously? I actually never knew that. But since I do enjoy writing, I will keep that one in mind.  The second job is for a taste tester at a local new restaurant about to start up (so I have heard). Haha, no thanks. I would rather not take the chance at getting sick. The last job posted up as open is an assistant at my old school. Hah, I have been there once, dealt with my peers, and I don't think I am going to do it again. So it looks like I am taking the first job, newspaper editor. I click on the link that brings me to where I can fill out an application, send it in, and get results if I can get the job or not by the next day or so.

        So I do just that. I fill out the application, and send it in. Hopefully I can get this job and start saving money for Raine and I. I already have enough money in my savings account for a few years to come, but it doesn't hurt to make extra money. 

        Glancing at the clock, its angry numbers pronounce that it is about 8:13PM. Meh, I don't really have anything else to do, so I might as well go to sleep early. Exiting the internet, I turn off my computer and make my way towards my room. 

        Listening to the soft, fading patter of the rain, I change into shorts and a loose shirt. Hopefully we can make it through this, Raine and I. I want nothing more right now than that. I descend into the comfort of my soft bed, and as my head hits the pillow, the world fades black as I succumb to sleep.

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