Chapter 18

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"Who are you!? Why are you here!? Did you take my Maureen!?" All of these things came rushing out of Ringo's mouth when he saw the strange man sitting on his bed.

"My name is Charles Manson and I have a deal for you." The man was so calm, it was scary.

"Anything to get back the love of my life."

"Good, you want to be cooperative. Now allow me to explain my purpose."

"Who's stopping you! Tell me!"

"I lead a group, the name is for me to know, and we need more funds to live off of by which we use alternative means to access."

"Is that why you've taken my girl?"

"Yes, we want money for her, 50 thousand American dollars to be exact, or we will kill her in none to pretty a fashion. Don't try to fool us or cheat us because we've done this before with some fatal results."

"How long do I have?" 

"Three days, not including today, we'll notify you where to make the exchange."

"Okay I will, whatever you say." 

"Good, and don't try the cops because we have people watching all over this city."

"I wouldn't think of it." 

The man, Charles, got up and walked out of the room without another word.Ringo sat down on the bed and began to worry and blame himself:

- "Why didn't I go with her?"

- "I should have told her to order room service."

- "I hope that they treat her alright."

- "I only hope that the boys didn't go out and spend everything on drinks again."

This went on all night and Ringo didn't sleep at all. The only thing he wanted was to be able to hold his wife again. He'd never let her go somewhere alone in a different town again.

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