Chapter 8

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Latoya POV

I really felt bad afta James left. It wasn't that I was scared that he was finna hurt Armarani its just I seriously don't know what I would do if I lost my daughter. "Mani come on we need to go." Armarani came runnin down stairs. "Where we going mommy. Where daddy go" "Baby why you call James yo daddy." "Because mommy I dont know my daddy but gwampa and James told me I don't like him because he hurt you. James always there for me so I just call him my daddy because he act like it." Damn my lil mama smart as hell. I really gotta fix this before its to late. We locked up the house and I buckled Mani in and drove to the trap. When I got there I didn't see James car so I just waited in my uncle office. "Hay unc." "Hay baby girl. Why you look like dat?" "Cause I fucked up." "What happened?" "James took Armarani out to eat this mornin and when they got back I panicked and snapped at him and said some shit I didn't mean." "What you said?" "That he shouldn't take my daughter without tellin me and that anything could've happened." "Baby girl I understand why you panicked but think. Do you really think James would've did anything to Mani. He treat that girl as if she his own seed." "I know unc what should I do." "What you think, go apologize. From the sound of it he just pulled up." I heard the front door open then slam shut so I knew he was still mad. I was gon give him a little time to cool off. When I went into the living room Ryan my uncle security had my daughter countin money. "Baby what you doin?." "Countin money for Ryan. He said I could keep 500 if I get it right"  

"Alright you be good I'm gonna go talk to James." "Okay mommy." I walked out the living room and went to the basement. I knocked on the door and walked in. When James saw me I could already tell he ain't wanna see me. "Can we talk." "I ain't got shit to say ta you." "Iight then just listen." He ain't say nothin so I started talkin. "Okay I know I was wrong fa thinkin you would do somethin to Armarani. You just gotta see where I'm comin from. Growin up fa me wasn't easy. Between my momma and her boyfriends I ain't neva feel safe. I just don't want my  daughter to feel that way." He just put the cue down and looked at me. "Did you hear what the fuck you just said. Yo momma boyfriends. DEM NIGGAS AIN'T ME TOYA. What the fuck you thought I would hurt her." "I know I was wrong and I'm sorry." "Man whateva." "Look I'm tryna apologize but you makin dis real complicated" "Den let me umcomplicate dis fa you. Get the fuck out." He picked up his cue and shot a combo in the side pocket. I walked ova to him and grabbed the cue from his hands and broke it in half. "What the fuck wrong witchu. I'm tryna apologize and yo ass wanna be rude." I got up in his face and pushed his head back. His eyes looked like turned dark and he grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me up against the pool table. I ain't neva been scared of James but right now I couldn't lie I was piss on myself scared. He picked me up and sat me on the pool table. Before I could say anything his lips was on mine. I tried to pull back but that only made him even more mad. He grabbed my hips and sucked on my bottom lip. I couldn't fight it nomo and opened my mouth givin him access. His hands went up unda my shirt and I couldn't help the moan that left my mouth. I pulled back and he started suckin on my neck and grindin into me. It felt so good that I had to throw my head back. As soon as I really started gettin into it he pulled away from me and walked out the door. What The Fuck. Niggas wanna play games. I just got off the table and fixed myself before walkin out the room.

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