Chapter 25

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Thought I would start doing dedications so this update goes to @CourtneyWilliams801. You are truly an amazing fan and I truly appreciate all the love.

Latoya POV

"Mommy...Mommy?" Damn I must really miss my baby. I rolled over and went back to sleep on James chest. "Y'all need to get y'all asses up." I turned over to see the whole crew in the room. Damn.

I got up and got so happy when I saw my baby Armarani. "BABY!! I missed you so much." I lifted her up and kissed her all over her face. She wasn't laughing like she usually would so I knew somethin wasn't right. I looked at her and I saw her look over my shoulder then looked down. I turned around and my uncle girlfriend was standin right behind me. I took a deep breathe and gave James a quick kiss on the cheek and said wassup to everybody before takin my baby girl hand and pullin out the room.

When we walked out I went around the corner and into the upstairs lobby. I sat her down and squated down gettin face to face with her. "Armarani baby you know you can talk to me about anything right?" She nodded her head but kept lookin down. "And you know mommy will always love you right?" She nodded her head again. "And you know to never lie to mommy right?" She nodded her head again and then looked at me in my eyes. "Alright baby I'm gonna ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me." "Okay." I took a deep breathe then grabbed her hand. "Baby did anything happen to you. Did anybody do anything to you that you didn't like or that you think you should tell mommy about." She started shaking and I was gettin scared as shit. "Baby talk to me I'm not gonna hurt you." She looked up at me then got down and hugged me crying into my chest. "I didn't mean to. I was wunning in the house even though gwampa girlfwiend told me to stop. I fell and knocked over her pretty picture that was on the wall. I kept telling her sorry but she grabbed me and pulled my pants down and kept hitting me really hard. She told me that you didn't want me anymore and that I wasn't any good. She said if I tell gwampa she was gonna beat me again but worst." She was shakin so bad and cryin so damn hard.

I turned her around and pulled her pants so see she had purple bruises all on her ass and her thighs. To say I was mad wasn't even half of what the fuck I felt. This bitch was gon die today. I pulled Armarani into my arms and rocked her back and forth until she stopped crying. "Baby mommy is so sorry. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise you." "Pinky pwomise." She held out her pinky and looked into my eyes. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Yes baby I pinky promise." I wrapped my pinky round hers and kissed it. "You wanna go see James." "DADDY!!!" She was bouncing all over the place and I couldn't help but laugh.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the room. When we got back that bitch was on the phone. I sat Armarani on the bed next to James and walked up to her. I stood in front of her and waited till she got off the phone. "Hey Latoya wassup." "Nothin girl you mind comin wit me I need to ask you somethin bout my uncle." "Sure girl." She got up and walked with me into the bathroom.

When we was inside I closed the door and locked it. I tied my hair up and turned around to face her. This bitch was all up in the mirror lookin at herself. She turned around and looked at me smilin like shit was all good. "So what you want-" all I saw was red as I wrapped her hair around my hand and punched her in her nose hearin it break. She tried kicking but just ended up slippin and makin us both fall. "Bitch you think you can just put yo mutha fuckin hands on my daughter and I would be okay wit dat shit." I kept punchin her in her face with ever word. She was screamin like her life depended on it and how I was feelin right now you might as well say it was.

I kept hearing the whole crew bangin on the door tellin me to stop but I wasn't lettin this bitch off that easy. I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to the toilet and bashed her head on the seat showin her no fuckin mercy. "IM SORRY!!! STOP PLEASE LATOYA STOP!!" I stood up and stomped that bitch in the mouth satisfied I knocked out her front teeth. I kept stompin her all over makin her slowly drift into unconsciousness.

When she was fully unconscious I walked to the sink and washed all the blood off my hands and took my hair back down. I looked back and saw blood and weave all over the floor. I was still mad as fuck at this bitch but I was gon wait till her ass was conscious until I finished what I started. I opened the door and everybody stared at me then pushed past me into the bathroom. Rocko came out the bathroom shakin his head. "What the hell did she do Latoya." "That bitch got bold and put her fuckin hands on my baby so I did what I had to do. Anyway we need to figure out who the fuck did this to James." My uncle looked at me then the bathroom and shrugged like he ain't give a fuck. They all looked at me like I was crazy then got straight down to business. In this game you can't have a heart dealin with certain shit.
After the whole crew left I stayed with James and Armarani. Armani was already sleepin curled up on my lap and I couldn't stop thinkin bout what she told me. This was all my fault and I feel like shit. "Ma what you got goin thorough yo head." I just shook my head and kept rockin Armani. "Come on ma talk to me. Do it got to do wit why you beat ol girl earlier." I just kept rockin back and forth not wantin to talk. I heard James get out of his bed and picked Armani up layin her where he just got up and tucked her in kissin her cheek. That made me smile then I went back to thinkin. He lifted me up off the sofa and sat down pullin me into his lap. "You gon tell daddy wassup or you just gon be quit." I rolled my eyes and stayed quit. "Toya don't make me slap yo ass." I rolled my eyes again and sucked my teeth not payin him no mind.

He lifted me up again and turned me around so I was straddlin him. I was surprised as fuck when his hand came down and smacked the shit my ass. "James what the-" he smacked my ass again but this time harder. "Roll yo eyes again." "Man fuck you I-" he smacked my ass again harder this time. That shit really hurt and it ain't help that I had on tights. "Say somethin else." I stayed quite not wantin to get hit again. "Now imma ask you again, what's wrong?" I took a deep breathe and told him everything that Armarani told me feelin like shit all over again. I could tell James was mad as fuck cause when he mad he stay dead silent but clench his jaw and ball up his fist.

I leaned down and kissed his jaw feelin him calm down. "Don't stress yoself J imma handle it." "Man fuck that she put her hands on my fuckin daughter and everybody know I don't play when it come to Armarani." I kissed down his jaw to his neck makin sure to leave hickies. "I never did thank you for jumpin in front of a bullet fa me." "Yo ass surely didn't." His hands went down to my ass and pulled me closer. I kissed up his neck to his ear. "Thank you baby." I slowly started grindin my hips into him feelin him get hard up under me. "Damn ma."

I turned his head and kissed his lips feelin chills go all through my body. One of his hands went into my hair holding me to him. When he held my hips down and pushed up against me I knew we had to stop. "Mmm J baby we have to stop." "Come on ma you got a nigga all hard and shit." "We in a hospital and Armani layin right there." He looked over my shoulder then took a deep breathe. "Damn man. Alright." "Don't worry baby I got you when you get released." He grabbed my ass and raised his hips makin me grind against him. "Mmm J I said when you get released." "You better." Damn I can't wait for him to be released.

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