Chapter 10

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It was lunch and The Doctor was waiting for Donna before they headed and sat down with the others. He had a sandwich with some fruit and a bottle of water. Donna finally joined him with a similar tray of food and then they navigated through the crowd of chattering people back to their seats. Everyone was already there as the two took their seats. As soon as they had sat down, everyone began talking about their findings, or lack of. Everyone had come to the same conclusion; nobody had any reason to kill Zoey, yet for some unknown reason she still lies dead. The only lead they had was someone called Crowley and his little gang of "demons," as someone had referred to them as.

"I find it difficult to believe that a bunch of students would kill an innocent girl in such a professional manner, even if they are bullies." Sherlock stated. "Still it's our only lead." He sighed "We should wait until tomorrow to find him, I have a feeling it would be difficult to locate him considering we only know his first name."

Everyone agreed and went back to eating their food until the bell went. As the thriving canteen slowly drained of life, the group found themselves splitting up slightly, by which I mean John and Sherlock walked off.

The six left shrugged it off and decided to figure out what lessons they had together and where they were.

As Sam was younger than everyone else he was on his own in all his lessons, much to his disappointment. The Doctor, Donna Castiel, Gabriel and Dean were all in the same year and set about figuring out who had chosen what. In this school, you have to take the core subjects such as English, maths and science, it is also compulsory to take RS and a humanities (history or geography,) you would also be made to take a language. Then you have two subjects of your choice.

"Did anyone take phycology?" The Doctor asked, looking up from the folded piece of paper in his hand.

"I did." Castiel answered while the others shook their heads and Sam remained silent "What about philosophy?"

Nobody answered until Gabriel smirked. "Looks like you're stuck with me Cassie!"

Dean scanned his crumpled piece of paper. "Engineering anyone?"

"Yeah, me." The Doctor called.

"Photography or business?" Donna placed her piece of paper back in her pocket.

"I took photography?" Gabriel smiled.

"I take it no one took PE?" A chorus of "no's" followed Dean's question.

"Sammy what did you pick?" Gabriel asked the silent boy trailing behind him.

Sam rolled his eyes at the nickname but answered anyway. "ICT and art. (Because there is no law option at this school because the writer is lazy.)"

After that everyone tried to figure out who was in their other classes, besides Gabriel and Sam who trailed behind the group that walked aimlessly around the courtyard. The two talked of nothing in particular, movies and books and such, anything they found they had in common.

After wondering around in the freezing cold and violent wind, the group separated to look around the classrooms; The Doctor and Donna went to maths, Dean and Castiel went to science and Sam and Gabriel went on a hunt for Gabe's English classroom. So, let's start with the former.

After making their way towards the academic building, The Doctor and Donna swiftly sped around looking for the corresponding numbers. They searched all around the ground floor, checking everywhere for the correct classroom. There were many students doing the same only none seemed to be as lost as The Doctor and his companion. They soon realised they were on the wrong floor. After making their way up the stairs and around the second floor for a while, they finally found their maths classroom hidden in a corner. The door was old and worn, the inky black paint flaking off here and there, some scratched away by what looked like finger nails, other parts looked craved into by compasses, some just pieces just crumbled due to old age. The once stylish, slender silver figures, freckled slightly and blemished by years of use, now the silver was more grey. This was obviously one of the older classrooms. The two partners in crime hesitated a moment before pushing open the door, in front of them lay an ordinary classroom. Desks were pushed together here and there to create bigger tables, some were just long single lines, a couple were single desks with two uncomfortable black chairs tucked underneath. The teacher's desk was empty beside a laptop and a pot of pens. The carpet was old and rugged, the ceiling was damp and water dripped down in some corners, creating small puddles. As the wind picked up it howled loudly inside the classroom, it screamed and growled and roared against the thin walls. The sinister sounds of nature echoed inside the small room hauntingly, sending icy shivers down the pair's backs. The Doctor and Donna shared a concerned look and backed out the room slowly. They shared a disturbed look before heading off in some unknown direction to do whatever the hell they wanted until dinner.


Hi. Sorry for not updating when I was meant to but I SAW ALL TIME LOW LIVE AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! Though I am slightly disappointed as due to BLOODY LONDON TRAFFIC I missed the first support act who just so happen to be my favorite band, Against The Current ;-;

So that was sad but ATL were awesome so whatever. Soooo I couldn't be bothered to make up another school system so that option thing is what happens at my school so IDK if that happens outside of the UK or even all places within but yeah.

Thanks so much for reading. Please leave a comment if you are enjoying!



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