"A Pack of My Own"

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We are joined in a council room where there are five different colored curtains containing different judges behind it, we see a man standing trial for something; he is in the middle of the room with the spotlight shining on top of him while the rest of the room is darkened, seeing nothing but only the outline of silhouette figures. His fate has yet to be determined.

"I'm sorry Howl, but your services are no longer needed, we the council and on behalf of the werewolf community have decided to send you into solitary confinement for the murder of your own pack leader Mosaic, have you any last words?"

"Yeah, you can all go fuck yourselves."

"Very well then, I shall see to it that you'll be put into solitude and collared for the rest of your life, no sunlight, no moonlight, no food, nothing will be served to you but the emptiness you deserve. And that concludes your trial, you may take him now." A man said, hidden behind a red curtain.

Two guards came out from the shadows and took the man Howl out of court. The man did not struggle nor put up a fight, he obeyed their orders and was dragged roughly to his cell deep underneath the mausoleum, and this particular mausoleum is guarded by the creatures of the night such as Vampires, Wraiths, and Werewolves. With the man being put in his cell, all he did was smile while looking down, chuckled and as the solid silver door was closing, he muttered one last thing.


And just like that out of nowhere, the entire mausoleum was destroyed from the inside out killing countless of guards and other bystanders. Many evil and mentally unstable criminals were locked there and now have an opportunity to escape, including the man known as Howl.

No one knows what had happen or who caused it all, but one thing's for sure, the safety of the humans and other supernatural beings must be ensured.


Meanwhile, about ninety-nine miles east of the mausoleum, there is an abandon warehouse temporarily being used as a nightclub and many people have arrived to party and have fun, unaware of what's coming their way.

"I'm not in the party mood, I just want to stay home and watch TV, you guys.....seriously?" A male teenager is seen addressing two other teenagers walking ahead of him, aiming to reach the club. The girl teenager turns around, "Oh come on Oliver, it's a Friday and who stays home on a Friday night, besides graduation is in three days so let us make the most of it, see even Brad's into it." The girl points at the guy next to her as he dances and acts like he's a cowboy riding a horse, the kind of dancing you'll see your parents doing at a wedding.

"I'm serious Rayna, I don't feel like partying, besides I got an interview for Harvard tomorrow morning so I have to get up bright and early." I said trying to convince these two to let me go home, unfortunately they both yanked me by the shirt and arm, pulling me towards the club. The music is loud and its crazy lights matching the rhythm of the beat, so many people laughing, cheering, drunk in love and arguing, so many types of people were there and needless to say we're about to join them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up now we need to take a picture to commemorate things, it's our final night with each other before we all split into different parts of the world. Alright Oliver take our picture." Brad insisted on taking a picture, Rayna got in between me and Brad and Brad had longer arms so he held up my phone in the air.

"Alright say Selfie, in three.....two.....one..." said Rayna.

"Selfie!" All three of us said in unison.

Click, Flash

"Let me see, aww how cute, wait a minute, Brad your eyes are closed and Oliver thanks for the bunny ears, it's adorable." Rayna said, sarcastically.

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