"Dinner is your next door neighbor."

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[Oliver's p.o.v.]   

"We're almost there, Munchkin Village is just over that hill, do you see it!" Myst pointed to a nearby hill, I peered at the hill only to see something residing over there. It looked like four figures, I am not sure who they are but they are too blurry to be sure who it is.

"I don't know who those people are so let us not get caught, I mean you'll never know who they could be."

Tazi, Myst, and I skipped off the road and decided to move into the bushes, taking the forest as a shortcut.

[Howl's p.o.v.]

As I enjoyed the view, with my enhanced wolf vision I was able to see three figures from far away, one is a fairy, the other a centaur, and the last one...could it be....yes it is....it's my son.

I grinned until I saw the three of them scurry off into the forest, hmm must they play hide and seek with me? Now why do they wanna play games with me? I don't think the three humans who are with me have the eyes to see as far as I can, but that is a good thing.

In the meantime, I have a naughty son I need to seek out.

"Alright you three, I am sorry to leave you guys so soon but catch ya on the flip side. Oh and before I zoom out of here, you'll find what you need in Munchkin Village."

Female Voice: "Wait where are you going?" Her tone demanded, she didn't seem too eager that I was leaving.

"I have a son who needs a good spanking for running away from his daddy." I jumped in the sky, hiding my appearance by jumping in the rays of the sun, which the sun blinded the humans, and into the woods I go.


[Alistaire's p.o.v.]

"Where are we?"

"This is the road that will lead us to Winkie Village"

"Wait what's that over there?"


I pointed outwards to a castle that is sticking out like a sore thumb in the middle of the forest, about a mile out from our position. It is in the opposite direction of where we were heading, "There that giant castle."

"Oh that is the castle of the former Wicked Witch of the West, now inhabited by the new witch, she goes by the name Alphera or, Ifra when she transforms into a scaly trollop. I haven't met her but it is best not to go there."

"I feel like someone I know is there." I kneel before Bunnytop, "Sir Bunnytop I need you to stay hare, I have this gut-wrenching feeling that someone I know is there and needs my help. So I suggest-" 

Bunnytop intervenes, "You suggest that I tag along for the thrills and dangers and the excitement then yes, I would be happy to partake in this search and rescue mission of yours. What, you really thought you were going to have all the fun, leaving me little me helpless out here where anything or anyone could take a gander at me and think delicious thoughts for their newly produced rabbit stew....made with an actual rabbit? I think not! We are a team no matter what." 

"Well that shouldn't be a problem then if I tag along!" A voice was heard from behind us.

We revolved and did not see anyone around us, "Who said that?"

"Down here"

Sir Bunnytop and I faced downwards only to see a bunch of puzzle pieces; I raised a brow until the pieces started to shake.

"What!" We both said simultaneously.

The puzzle pieces flew in midair and reassembled themselves to form a human-shape made out of puzzle pieces. 

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