"Stupid Head"

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{Caution: Rated R for sexual activity, just a heads up.}

[Alistaire's Memory]

We see Alistaire walking with multiple knights, he walks towards the king alone and bows before him, the king raises his sword and everyone else behind Alistaire all bowed respectively. Alistaire wore an armor made of iron, with a chain mail underneath. He still looks like how he is now only with hair red like fire, eyes blue like the sea, and with a tan skin tone rather than being pale.

"Alistaire, let's see what secrets you have hidden." Jerica teased.

"Quiet knave, this is a personal memory and I do not feel the need to have my mind violated by such-"

"Just shut up and eat your popcorn."

Howl shoves popcorn in Alistaire's mouth, causing Alistaire to gargle and muffle.

[Alistaire's p.o.v.]

"I trust in you my fellow brethren." The king places his sword over a kneeling Alistaire shoulders, "I shall proclaim thee as a newly member of the Knights of the Round Table, Prince Helios of Arch. You will forever become a brother of ours." Alistaire/Helios arose and a medallion was placed around his neck, the emblem of Camelot.

"I thanketh thee my king for I shall protect Camelot with my life." Alistaire placed his fist over his chest and bowed his head at the man. He turns around and shouted, "Long Live King Arthur!" Everyone roared with excitement and cheered.

The villagers and knights danced along with the other royalties from other kingdoms who allied with King Arthur in battle, Merlin with his daughter Merlina danced the night away, and Alistaire drunk with the rest of the knights til dawn.

The king known as Arthur, sat on the throne with his lovely wife Guinevere on the throne beside him as they watched their people rejoice in happiness. Guinevere stood up and walked to dance with one of the knights known as Lancelot, he's a dashing young man, with glistening green eyes as bright as the sun and a smile that's ever so radiant.

He held out his hand and the two danced away, King Arthur was no younger than he was and he didn't mind that his stalwart friend is dancing with his queen, it was just a friendly dance, what's the harm.


When the night was over, the remaining civilians were too drunk to go home, they lay flat in the kings court, most of the Knights of the Round Table disappeared to sleep with their maidens and Guinevere and Lancelot are spooning one another near the throne, Arthur was up late in his bedroom standing over the balcony, marveling the brightness of the full blue moon.

A knock was heard, Arthur turns, "Having trouble sleeping my lord!" A voice called out.

"Ah Helios, enter please, welcome to my extravagant chambers. Unfortunately nay, for I do not have the will to lie upon my bed, these weary eyes fail to close and my excitement for our victorious efforts hath kept me up since."

I walked to Arthur and stood in front of him. I smiled and replied, "Might I be of some assistance?"

"If thee would not mind, I have an aching in my spine from the battle, I must have overdone it that I might have pulled a muscle of some sorts." Arthur complained, looking puzzled.

"Shall I fetch one of the-" Before I could finish my sentence, Arthur cuts me off. "Nay let our people rest after a long war fought upon the fields, we mustn't awaken them as they slumber on the grounds of my court. For now that is." Arthur raises his hand and points at me, "Since you are awake, may thou have the honors of providing thy king a massage. Close the door and grab that bottle over there." Arthur turns around and unravels his robe, leaving nothing but his undergarments on.

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