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[Oliver's p.o.v.]

Here we are standing over the body of Myst, she's not dead but she seems pretty knocked out. The blue glowing eyes weren't there, so with that in mind I just hope it didn't fall out somewhere or anything.

The body was in perfect condition but with Levon poking her, she didn't move, it seems we only have a shell without the host. Could it be that Myst only operates with those glowing blue eyes?

"Is she dead?" I murmured quietly.

"OH MY GOOD WITCH SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S DEAD!" Irona shouted uncontrollably to the point of freaking out.

"She's dead, she's dead....I-I-I-I c-c-c-can't believe it.......Myst.....no!" My body stopped functioning and just like that I fell on my knees, tears slowly rolling down my eyes and my mouth twitched. She's dead, that's all I could think of at this point. Why Myst, it should have been me.

"She's not actually dead, Oliver. So get a grip and come back from that fantasy you just fell in." Scar gloomily announced.

"She's not....dead?"

"Yes she's not dead." Scar rolled her eyes before Irona jumped in unexpected, "YES SHE'S DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, NOW CRY, CRY, CRY LIKE A SONG I'VE JUST WRITTEN, DEAD FRIEND HAS NO EYES!"

Irona began rocking out to lyrical nonsense, although she didn't seem too bothered with the situation we were in, same with Levon and Scar.

"Wait, now I'm confused...."

"It's okay, Oliver, she's not actually dead....think of it as a deep slumber..." Levon joined in.

"HIBERNATION!" Irona added.

"She'll be fine, I think she took a nasty fall and suddenly went into a protective state. All Mist Fairies have this defense mechanism where if they are badly injured they instantly fall into these hollow shells you see here. She's there but not really there..." Levon explained thoroughly.


I wiped my eyes, still on my knees until Scar stretched out her hand to me, "She's not dead, that's good to hear." I said as I touched her hand.

"Get up, you look silly with waterworks." She pulled me up and we both stared at one another for a brief second.

"Waterworks huh..." I replied, affectionately.

"LIKE A FISH ON LAND!" Irona appeared in between us, causing Scar and I to break contact.

"I SMELL ROMANCE IN THE AIR!" Irona shouted, energetically.

A sudden gust of wind brought a strange smell towards us, the smell of burning rubber or oil or something. Before I could say anything Levon was missing from our sights, she just disappeared.

"Levon? Where's Levon?" I said desperately.

"She was here now she's....gone." Scar replied after me, scanning around like what I was doing. "LIKE THE WIND!" Irona added on to Scar's reply instantly all while strumming her guitar strings in harmony.

"Shush." Scar rapidly grabbed the guitar before it could make any more loud noises.

It was quiet, a little too quiet.


There was a rustling sound that caught our attention about a few feet away from us, Scar stood firmly and glared at the bushes. She didn't hesitate to call out whatever it was in the bushes, "COME OUT OR I'LL RIP OUT YOUR TONGUE!"


The rustling noises gotten louder and after a few minutes of cautiously waiting, a guy was thrown out from the bushes and landed on his back. We heard an intimidating growl which followed him from behind, only to reveal it was Levon whose mane was out of control.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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