"Well, damn!"

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[Alistaire's p.o.v.]

I made my way past the gates and arrived near the entrance of the castle, passing the gates led me into an open space that had nothing but simple catapults and other medieval weaponry. Although nothing of useful to me, the ground was covered in dirt, the air surrounding this castle felt very thick, an aroma caught my nose, the smell of burnt flowers.

I was about to walk towards the castle entrance, just inches away, I saw something falling in front of me. It was a petal of some sorts still on fire as it gently fell from the heavens, and just like that more and more fell over me. Some were nothing more than ashes while others were slowly suffering from the flames as they gently land on the dirt covered ground.

"I see I was expected, guess I'll have to accept the invitation. It would be rude not to accept it, after all the efforts of presenting such creativity." I said to myself, acknowledging the burning petals.

"Well come on in, the doors are open, I wouldn't want to keep my guest waiting." A female voice echoed around me, the castle entrance opened willingly, a red carpet rolled out unexpectedly and the end stopped right in front of my feet, and music and laughter was heard from the inside.

I grinned as I made my way inside, "I feel welcomed already."

Perambulating the inside of the castle, the music and laughter just died out. However there were odd statues that decorated the inside, from stairways to hallways to the top of the ceiling. Each statue would either be male or female or a being of unknown species. The overuse of the stone-crafted sculptures was a bit too much for one castle, but I presume the interior designer was probably the witch herself. Goodness gracious could she be any tackier.

Following through every single hallway, I found myself somewhere in the dining hall and witnessing more statues inside. Sculptures around the table with each filling every seat and enjoying themselves to a magnificent feast made for kings.

I had the urge to leave but something about this scenario did not feel right, I entered the room and slightly waltz towards the table. I notice there was one seat available that I did not see when I entered the room and it was reserved for me, my name written in red ink, presumably blood. It says "Here lies Alistaire" as if horror movie cliché's were not enough that the witch had to recreate something so childish.

I sighed and began leaving the dining hall, I reached for the doorknob and with a quick sense of danger I ducked before getting hit by a flying carving knife.

I slowly stood up with my back turned, "Who dare throws-" I turned around and stopped to behold every statue standing still, some on the table while others were standing by their chairs, and each holding different pairs of knives and staring me down, badly. "Me" My voice squeaked just before running out the door.

"A knight never runs from a battle, but I am not running from a battle, just trying to prevent one." I shouted. From left to right every statue that filled the hallway I was just in went missing, I ran almost everywhere and no statue was in sight.

Laughter echoed the empty hallways and I randomly appeared toward a stairwell that led me to a giant door, behind it I heard the music and happy laughter again, and as I peeked through the crack of the door I saw civilians and many different beings dancing in the ballroom and living in the moment. I was relieved and opened the door only to see every single civilian were statues, the music and laughter and bright lights and everything instantly went dull, like some kind of illusion. At this point I would have to say these people are definitely living and locked in the moment.

The door closed behind me, I circled to open the door but it was locked tightly, "Leaving so soon? I haven't even offered you a-" A female's voice echoed again, "Punch!" Out of nowhere I felt a powerful impact directly aimed at my stomach. I grunted and groan, it was like getting hit by a truck.

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