"Ladies first"

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After being put to the test yesterday, I realized my life is going to be one messed up roller coaster and to make it worse I have to live with Howl in his apartment. Since my parents still freaked out yesterday when I stopped by to check on them, which they still screamed and cried out "ZOMBIE" when they saw me...again, I decided to maybe not see them for a while. 

Just until they calm down that is, I'm feeling a bit lonely and possibly molested by this grown man who slept in his bed earlier and is now spooning me on the couch.  

It's five in the morning and I'm still awake. Alistaire resides at a nearby hotel and Jerica left home, those two are lucky enough to have a place to call home, as for here I call it a dump. 

I mean there's nothing wrong with his apartment, it's clean, the kitchen is clean, bathroom, bedroom, living room, heck even the balcony outside is clean. For someone who is such an asshole and a childish bad boy, he sure loves to keep things tidy, the apartment building complex itself is a little old fashioned, but with some modern touches like a flat-screen TV, new silver colored curtains, dark blue couch and recliner, a glass dinner table, his apartment is a little big, big enough to have its own bar area as the kitchen counter, there is a ceiling fan and air conditioning. 

All of Howl's clothes are biker-styled or medieval inspired, he has swords and guns hidden in different parts of the apartment, I mean this guy is just stylish in his own way and packed ready for action.

And then there's little ol' me standing there in awe.

As I stared off at the fan above me, I thought there was a leak in the ceiling that I didn't notice my shirt, I received from Howl which was a pink skin-tight sorority shirt, was damped all of a sudden. Of course how the hell did that sorority shirt fit me, I guess I really do wear a small size, both in men and woman I guess.

As I tried to wiggle my way out from Howl's grasp, I peered over him and with a faint light from the outside shining in, I could see Howl was drooling all over me. Yup it's going to be one of those nights where it's going to take some time to adjust to the roommate. 

Yay me......My tone doesn't feel like celebrating at the moment.


Morning finally arrives and a fresh smell filled my nose, I crinkled my nose to get a better scent from where it was coming from. I opened my eyes to see a tray of breakfast on the table next to me, I'm in Howl's bed with a brand new shirt and pajama pants. 

Did he change me while I was asleep?

I brushed off what he did and picked up a note left for me, it read;

'Dear Son, 

Get your fat ass up and wash the dishes I left for you, wash the laundry, and get ready because when I get back, we are going to Ozland to complete our assignment.

Love Always, Your Father;


P.S. Sorry for drooling on ya, but to be fair you were asking for it when you wore that shirt. Ahahahaha'

That's it I'm moving out, screw your breakfast and your clothes and your help and I'm not even your son. 

I sighed, still sitting in bed, frustrated at this new life I have now been given and the responsibilities it comes with. I stared down at my hands and had a brief flashback in my head about what Howl had said. 

'You're a hybrid, in due time you'll find out.'

Well thanks for being cryptic, Howl, you dumb dog. As I sat there still trying to figure out the answer to my mysteries, there was one thing on my mind that motivated me; what kind of hybrid am I?

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