"A lion, machine, and a scarecrow...."

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The mysterious woman then decided to step forward and finally revealed her identity, she had green scaly skin and diamond scales around her eyes. She wasn't too eager to see me and neither was I.

"Are you going to ask me who am I again, because it's starting to become a nuisance, but any who I'll just kill you and be done with it." She laughed and raised her hand in the air, out of nowhere a swift, silhouette sprung out from the shadows behind her and landed in the center between us.

My eyes opened wide as the second mysterious figure was none other than Jerica, who appears to be covered with a dark aura and bright green eyes, her hair color and clothes were a bit faded and she grinned maliciously at me as if I was dinner.

"J-Jerica?" I stuttered, she didn't seem like herself. "Jerica, is that really you? What happened and why are you working for that witch?"

She didn't respond however she mainly just grunted like a gorilla, "Were you the one who made that wind?"

"Yes" She responded, her voice was deeper than a thunderous boom.

"Jerica?" I whispered, a quick shiver dominated my body.

"She's not in control of herself Oliver, but I am, you should be thankful I didn't turn her into a pile of ashes or better yet food for my minions." The woman snapped her fingers and a bunch of flying monkeys gathered around us, each uglier than the last.

"Let her go witch, trust me I am a hybrid and I got skills that will strike fear in your heart. So don't test me bitch." I warned furiously.

She didn't seem all too concerned instead she just gave me an obvious facial expression as if she thought I was being serious.

"I'm serious wench, don't test me." I warned again.

She continued her expression and thus leaving the two of us in complete and utter silence.




"Kill him my little minions!" She commanded, all while turning her back on me and began walking away. "Come Jerica, there's nothing here that's of important to us."

The two disappeared into the shadows leaving a group of angry flying monkeys to attack a helpless me.

I thought scaring her was a great plan, intimidate her at the very least, but it seems as though it wasn't enough to submerge her in fear. I guess she got me beat, at this point I am going to die, I don't want to but Howl, help.

[Howl's p.o.v.]

While trying to fend off some of these Hammer-Heads, a sudden sting within my senses alerted me of someone who needs my help. That only happens when someone, especially one's pack member or Beta, is in serious trouble.

"Oliver" I panicked.

[Oliver's p.o.v.]

The monkeys all flew simultaneously in my direction, I firmly stood my ground. Well it was fun while it lasted. I ducked with my hands over my head and somewhat curled into a ball. Just be done with it please.

Just then, a heavy strum of sound waves echoed throughout the area I was in from a guitar of some sorts, an electric guitar to be exact. My eyes opened in suspense and slowly looked over my head, I saw no monkeys around me but a clear blue sky.

I got up slowly and viewed my surroundings, none, there was no monkey to be seen....or so I thought.

"Rawr!" A wild flying monkey appeared out of nowhere.

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