Chapter Sixteen - Treacherous

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Traveling Vivian

Part 16

I woke up lying in a hospital bed. I heard beeps and more beeps. I heard the television monitor going off as Daddy clicked on the remote. Lady was by my bedside, crying. I stared at the ceiling as the lights blared in my eyes. I moved my eyes towards my right hand and I saw wires connected to my arm and one wire where my nose was. I tried to move my feet but I couldn't. My head was

swollen and covered with a white cast. I saw my legs in a cast and I picked it up slowly. When I couldn't, I cried and screeched.

"Vivian! Vivian! Stop. Please don't move. You are just in a cast." Lady said as she held my legs down.

Daddy turned his head around and saw me opened my eyes. "Vivian! I thought I lost you too!" he cried as he went to my bedside.

My head hurt just by turning to him. "Dah-dee?" I said slowly.

Daddy nodded and giggled.

"She's alive. I thought I lost her!" He said as she kissed my cheeks. My arms were twisted and my legs were not functioning. It hurt every time I tried to move them. I stared at Daddy as he dialed the red bottom for the nurse.

Shortly after, the nurse came and gasped when she saw me awake. "Oh my lord! She's awake! Doctor Hinley would be so happy!" she cried.

I opened my eyes and noticed it was the same nurse from the party and derby. I cried the moment I saw her. I clung tightly

to Lady as she patted my head.

"Shh. Vivian, you'll be fine. Nurse is going to do a quick checkup." Lady said as she kissed me.

I cried and looked at Daddy. Maybe he'll understand but he didn't. He just stared at me and nodded. "Would you want us away from the room, Nurse Olie?" Daddy asked as he walked to Lady. He held Lady's hand.

Nurse nodded and smiled at them. "That would be great. I need to do some check up on her. If she cries, you may come in after you knock okay?"

Lady smiled at her and looked at me. "Vivian. Daddy and mommy will be outside." They both held their hands together and turned towards the door.

"No Lady! Stay!" I immediately shrieked when I saw the nurse smiled at me, awkwardly.

"I figure it is best we stay. I want to be next to my daughter." Daddy said as he let go of Lady’s hand.

"Suit yourself. I'll be outside," Lady shrugged. I figured she wouldn't care. She didn't even seem worried about me.

I panted and stared at the Nurse. She took out some equipment and smiled at me. I was not sure if she was trying to touch me or actually doing her job. I stared at her as she took her stethoscope and an octoscope. She cleaned it out properly. She went to me and checked my heart beat with the stethoscope. She smiled when it was fine. She unhooked the machine that monitored my heart beat and went to check out my blood pressure with the cuffs. She cuffed my hands and pumped. It tighten around my arm and when she was satisfied, she took it off and went back to her doctor kit. She wrote down the notes and went to my bedside. My heart raced louder and drummed against my ear when she sat down.

"When will she walk again?" Daddy asked.

"Soon. Her bones need to recover, Mr. Callis. Besides Vivian is only a couple years old. Her bones are easily repaired by their own means. She just needs to be in a wheelchair, that's all." The nurse said as she nodded at him. She took her notes and placed down in front of her laptop. I watched as she keyed in my information and started typing away.

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