Chapter TwentyEight - Fondling

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Traveling Vivian

Part 28

Author’s Note: Slightly sexually descriptive chapter. Do not read if offended by rape!

Since Nurse Olie was here as one of the assistant nurses, I had to watch my turn at every corner. I never knew when she would just come out of nowhere and take me for a second. I did not want to be scared but I felt more scared than I ever was. Maybe it was because no one would protect me, especially since none of the nurses did a good job anyways.  I looked at them all. All the nurses were all middle-aged ladies who spent most of their days here. They didn’t have families of their own. they could care less about other things than their jobs. I watched them attend to their daily lives at the hospital. They would knock on everyone’s door and then they wouldn’t need an answer, they barged in and checked to see if we were inside the rooms and if we were alive. If we were, they would nod and then leave us alone with the doors opened. The cleaning nurse would come in and grab all the sheets off our bed and threw them inside a big rolling bucket. Then the first nurse would get us ready for breakfast.

I think the only time the ladies could actually breathe for a second was when we were all in our rooms doing our hobbies. The nurse would walk down the halls and we would hear chatter among the three or four nurses who watched us. I heard them talked about us or their lives or what they did the previous night when they were off the clock. I watched them giggled as they walked side by side down the halls. Today was different. It wasn’t Patricia or Maria who would watch us now. It was now Nurse Olie and some red-headed lady who was plump and very loud.

January days were the coldest in the hospital. Maybe it was because the snow was falling more than December or maybe it was because snow was not much an appeal to us anymore. The days were colder and the nights got dark faster than usual. Lights would be turned off at eight o’clock sharp. We would have to be in my bed by then and there was sometimes no moon light to shine in our rooms, especially mine. I was a toddler who needed lights. I didn’t know what it was but January was my fourth month in here and to celebrate my fourth month, I drew a picture of It inside a really big home, possibly happy.

The nurses thought bringing us outside to the snow would be a good idea. I hated that idea only because the nurses would come in and change us into heavy suits to walk along the snow. I hated wearing that grey overbearing suit that weighed me down when I walked in the snow. I watched as the ladies flung opened all the doors as other nurses came in to change the girls. I heard some fight back, I heard some screaming and the others just cried. I refused to be one of those. When it was my turn to be changed, the nurse that came in was Nurse Olie. My heart raced as I kicked her.

“Damn brat! Stop being so stubborn!” She snapped.  She pulled my long brown hair as she stripped me off of my robe. She admired my beauty before she took off my diaper. She watched me squirmed under her grasp as she pretended to wipe me but I knew she wasn’t wiping me. She took a cloth and it felt strange.

“Stop! Stop!” I cried out as I kicked her.

“Damn it kid! Shut the fuck up!” She yelled at me as she forced her two fingers inside of me.

I squealed under her hand as the wet cloth became dry. Her wiping became rough and uncomfortable.

She smiled brightly at me as she saw me gasped loudly. I was in pain. The memory of feeling numb around my legs crashed my mind as I started screaming for help. I kicked her and I pushed my legs up so she could release her hold on me but that only made her pressed herself deeper within me. I  struggle to fight back but I knew it was no use. She took her fingers out as she started touching my head with her sticky fingers.

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