Chapter FortySeven - Tainted Crush

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Traveling Vivian

Part 47

School has been going okay, I guess. I just went to be there and when i was done, I went home and decided to do my homework and help the other kids with homework. I haven't been normal after that incident with Mr. WIlkins. He refused to look at me when I was in his class. It got very uncormfortable that it made me switched teachers. He never looked my way and he never asked me to answer questions. Well yeah I should be lucky but I wanted him to talk to me.I felt alone when I was sitting there, staring at him. Mr.Wilkins was probably the most handsome man ever. I never could take my eyes off of him. It crushed when I switched classes. At least I  don't have to worry about him.

Days flew and before I knew it, it was Halloween and it was the time of year when all the popular girls dressed in skanky outfits. Every year, Vanessa and her crew threw a big party at one of her friend's house and they invite everyone in our class. I was invited too, woohoo. Not really. I hated parties. I hated dancing and I hated how the guys always spike the punch. The halls of the school started to give the place a Halloween look. I growled when one the guys pretended a spider was crawling on my shoulder.

"Shut up! I don't give two fucks about it!" I yelled.

"Damn girl! It's just a prank. Chill!" He said as she went with his friends away from me.

I looked at them and shook my head. I hated guys. I hated popular good-looking guys. I opened my locker and on the inside of my door, there was a picture of Linlee and I taking a bath when we were at Olie's house. I remembered it like yesterday. I wasn't smiling in the picture but Linlee was. Olie forced us to smile as she snapped the pictures. It was not a good memory especially since Linlee's foot was near my private. She was forcing her way in as i tried to escape her foot.

Then to the right of the picture there was a picture of Catherine and the girls with me in front of our newly remodeled home. Catherine was so beautiful. She didn't look like she was going to be dead. She was such a sweet lady. Sometimes I wondered if Catherine was alive, would I be here now? I doubt it. Catherine would probably home-schooled me. She was very big on education. Maybe that was why i was so smart.

There were lavish decorations of other useless things around my locker. There was a picture of Vanessa and I at her last year's Halloween party. She was dressed as a playboy bunny and I came in like an empress. I actually liked that dress. I thought maybe i should wear it again this year. The difference between Vanessa and I was even though we lived in the same adoption house, Vanessa was very popular. She was cheer captain of the squad and she worked at one of the high-end clothing line so she was pretty much showered with gratis of the rich. Vanessa was smart too and she excelled every class. If anything, Mr. Wilkins should be hitting on her not me.

Vanessa came running down the hall when she saw me. She looked at her crew and told them she would meet them at class. "Vivian! Yo!" She called out.

I growled and turned around, "what?"

"You're invited to my party!" She squealed.

I looked at the purplish-black invite with bats fluttering with glitter. "Thanks. Where is it again?"

"Silly! It's at Megan's house. She lives two doors down from us and around the corner, there's a keg party." She whispered against my ear.

I looked down at her and noticed her cheer uniform. It was an orange and white uniform with a really short mini skirt. "Okay okay! I'll come." I said.

The bell rang loudly as the remaining students rushed to their next classes.

Vanessa looked around as people waved to her. She smiled at them and then turned to me, "Oh and Vivian. You have to be dressed as a slut this time okay?"

I snorted. "Ain't happening."

"Vivian! It's the only year we can be hoes and not mean it!" She said.

I shook my head and turned around to face my locker. Vanessa laughed and walked with another group of friends. I looked down at the invite and opened it. There was glitter all over the print and i looked down as it fluttered to the floor. I stared at the invite reading,

"Hey you! YEAH YOU! You have just been invited to ONE of the most AWESOME parties EVER. Hosted by Vanessa and Megan. It's going down on Friday October 28th at 7 O'clock. Get a costume on and ladies, look your sluttiest! We are going to bring the fun in Halloween. Food, DRINKS :), and candy WILL BE provided. Oh yeah, NO ticks, just treats."

I laughed at the last line and fold it back into the envelope until someone grabbed it from hy hands. I groaned and looked up. It was Mr.Wilkins. He read the note cautiously and then shook his head.

"Really? Ladies, look your sluttiest?" He smirked.

"Shut up. This is a teen party. No grown-ups allowed." I said.

"Well I can just take this away from you and cancelled it. You see this isn't a very educational program. Sounds like you might be going to an underage drinking party too. You think you're safe from all those thirsty guys who will attend that party? I mean it did say, ladies look their sluttiest?" Phil said as he handed back the note.

"This is what I do. I'm a teen. I go to these parties." I said.

Phil laughed and leaned against my locker. "What are you going to wear?" He asked curiously, eying me up and down.

"Well, because I didn't get my allowance this week, I might just wear my old costume from last year." - I stopped talking and looked at the clock. It was eleven thirty. I was late for Spanish. "Damn, I have to go. I'm late for spanish and i'm pretty sure you have a class to teach."

Phil shook his head. "Not really. Eleven thirty is my lunch hour. I'm free."

"Well you're not helping me with keeping me behind. Can I get a late pass or something?" I asked.

Phil went to the nearest classroom and grabbed a sticky note. He wrote his initials and added five minutes to the time. Then he handed it to me.

I looked  down at the tardy note and thanked him.

He nodded and turned around as i grabbed my textbook to go to class.

"Oh yeah, Vivian. How about we go shopping tomorrow for a Halloween costume? I have a party to attend and I definitely would need a female opinion." He asked.

I looked back and bit my lower lip, unsure what to say. Would it be a good idea? Tomorrow was a Saturday. Mrs. Hobbit didn't care where we went. She always took the kids out to the museum or the park and the teen girls would do our own thing. I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah why not?"

Phil smiled and said, "I'll come get you at one o'clock so we can go for lunch first okay?"

I nodded then I asked, "do you know where I live?"

"Mulberry Avenue." He quickly said.

I laughed and turned around to walk to class.

Well that escalated quickly. I was going on a lunch date with him. I didn't know if I should feel good about this. Secretly I actually admired it. I couldn't wait to go. I imagined what we would do. We probably would go to a fancy place for lunch and conversed about the silly things he did for fun and asked how my life was. Then we would go to the Halloween headquarters for a fun day looking through all these costumes. I remembered just now! I had to dressed in slutty outfit. I gasped. Was he going to pick my outfit for me? I lstopped and stared at my breasts. I needed bigger ones if that was the case. i groaned. Oh wellls, soon i will find an answer. Four and half more hours until I could finally go home and write in my lovely diary. I looked back as he continued on his way to the lunch room. I felt so guilty but so good. I don't ever want this feeling to end.

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