Chapter 11

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Emilia POV

"Yoandri, It doesn't matter." I say as I pick around my food.

Well of course it matters, you're suppose to hate him and you're about to go gaga over him

"Fine, if that's your decision then so be it." He seems so annoyed and aggravated, he grabs his water and starts gulping it down.

"So how was your--" He cuts me off and slams his hands on the table

"Emilia, I'm so happy for you, I know Erick will treat you like the princess you are, But you just started dating him, and you already had sex? This isn't like you. I want you to change for the better, not for the worse."

"Maybe its because, I'm eighteen years old still a virgin, and i'm embarrassed about it." I said through gridded teeth

he's happy but i'm changing? I grab all my stuff and I leave a twenty dollar bill on the table. "I'm out of here." I walk out and the crisp air hits my face. I start walking towards the main street to find anyone that can bring me back to the hotel.

I walk into the suite and Erick is still asleep. I take off my jeans and put on a pair of sweatpants and lay down right next to him. I'm on my phone and I keep getting spammed by Yoandri

BESTFRANDD (Yoandri)- Emilia please don't be mad

BESTFRANDD (Yoandri)- Omg I'm so sorry ):

I ignore him and I go on twitter

@:EmiliaCastrillo: As Jose Ayala said : 'I will never understand the way people think how people will sit here and tell you changed from being this person to be this person. Just because you went from being caterpillar to a fucking butterfly. how the fuck does that make someone fake? because they grew, they changed they're maturing.

Immediately, after I posted that, I got a call from Richard "Emilia?"


"Do you know where Erick is?" I look right next to me and see Erick sleeping peacefully, I put my hand in his hair and smile.

"No why would I know where he is? Does it look like i'm his girlfriend?" I lied, as I gave a disgusted tone.

"Well if you see him around tell him I'm looking for him."

"Will do." I hung up the phone and threw a pillow at Erick, and nothing happens, he stirs a little but is still asleep. "Erick." I whispered yell at him "Wake up" It's like he's knocked out cold. I pinch his nose and seconds later, he wakes up.

"Why would you wake me up?" He yelled, as he rubs his eyes and see its me, as his whole mood changes

"Richard call, he says he wants to see you."

He grabs his phone, as he looks through all his notifications from the other boys

He jumps out of bed, as he finds his jeans from last night

"Where you going?" I asked

"Ricky wants to talk to me." He sighs as he puts his fingers in his hair as a nervous habit

Erick's POV

I had no Idea what Ricky wanted to talk about, and i'm so nervous because he only called me in. I retrace my steps to figure out what I could have done for him to get upset at me. I find my sneakers and I put them on, Emilia is on the bed watching me get ready.

"You okay?" She asked, as she puts her phone down

"Yeah. Just a little..nervous, the boys said it was something bad." I sigh, Emilia gets by the end of the bed, and gives me a quick peck on the mouth.

"You have nothing to worry about." She tells me. I give her a weak smile, as I head out the door.

I knock on Ricky's door.

"Erick lets talk." He points me to the living room

"Whats up?" I asked, don't look nervous, remain cool.

"Where were you yesterday?"


"You know you're 'dating' Emilia, I don't need you to get caught ' cheating on her." He says air quoting Dating and Cheating, I let out a chuckle, and look down at the ground. Oh Emilia Castrillio.

"Whats so funny?" He asked seriously "Doe it look like I said something funny Erick?"

"Ricky, how can I cheat on Emilia, If i'm actually dating Emilia." I raise an eyebrow as his mouth drops and his eyes widen.

"What? How?" He asked

"She asked me out for dinner." Ricky gives me a high five, and quick puts on a serious face

"Don't mess it up, remember thats your teacher and that if you mess up your real relationship, how is she gonna fake date you. She'll probably run to the hill."

"I know Ricky, she's different."

"Well don't do any Erick Risky moves."


Hey guys! Anyways I just wanted to give out a thank you to some 2 amazing people, who always gives me positive feedback

Which is christopherig20, on instagram ( If you don't follow her, you're missing out.)

and secondly @elizabethpimentel43

Hope you have an amazing day, and I'll try to post tomorrow (:

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