Chapter 25

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Emilia's POV


Ricky Martin to CNCO Group chat: Meeting in 10 minutes

When that ding came off, it was as if all the boys ran out of their suite, I got up and put my hair in a top knot, and not thinking quickly, I wore my white crop top sweater and some white shorts with my tan heuraches and grabbed my little tan backpack to match . It took me to get ready 3 minutes top. I opened the suite door, and all I saw outside was a disaster, Erick had his hair in his little bun, while he was debating to look fashionable or to bum out, Chris didn't know which snapback to wear, and it was just zoo out there.

"Is Joel awake?" Yoandri called out from my suite

"No, he's knocked out." Zabdiel yelled out, I rolled my eyes debating if I should go help the boys or to just go to the meeting.

"Alright, Erick put on your sweats and leave your shirt on." I sighed "And you!" I pointed to Chris, "It's a meeting at 6 in the morning, Get your ass downstairs, and don't stress about your snapback right now " Richard started rushing downstairs before I could tell him anything "And Zabdiel, Go wake up Joel and bring him down in 2 minutes, What the fuck do I look like to you guys? Your lifeline." I jokingly said.

"We love you Em!" They all yelled out, I rolled my eyes, and I headed to the elevator, Erick quickly scurried next to me "Hola preciosa." He said as giving me a peck on the lips, and wrapping his arms around my waist, I killed for moments like this with Erick, It made me feel as if I was frozen in time, The elevator doors soon opened, and we headed to the meeting, When we walked inside, I saw a group of four girls and Ricky

"Oh, I'm sorry I think we got the wrong meeting room." I said about to walk about with Erick "Come on Ricky, stop bothering these lovely girls." Erick added

"Actually, these are the opening act, for South America. They're Energyzzz." Ricky  said adding the extra z's at the end "That's Zoey, Zaida, Zaylia and Jen."

"Wait what?" Zabdiel, Richard, Chris and Joel yelled as they finally walked in hearing about this

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"Wait what?" Zabdiel, Richard, Chris and Joel yelled as they finally walked in hearing about this

"Ricky, how are we gonna have a group of girls as our opening act?" Joel asked feeling completely mind blown

"How about you guys sit down, like the grown men you are, and listen to the girls." Ricky cleared his throat.

"We're sisters-- Triplets in fact, well except Jen. Our dad is dominican, so was our mom but she was part Haitian."

"Interesting." I mumbled, "So no offense, Why is Jen with you?" I asked, Jen seemed pretty cool, I wanted to know her more, but I just felt like the Energyzzz were a competition.

"How about this?" Ricky insisted "Jen and Em, go to the mall together. Theres something you have in common other than being choreographers..You both love shopping! Go to the Mall, Jason our chauffeur is outside.

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