Chapter 2 Flashback

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You were red

And You liked me Cause I was Blue

You touched me and suddenly I was Lilac sky

And then you decided Purple wasn't for you.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I will be writing this flashback in both Emilia's POV and Erick's POV, they will be coded like this Emilia's  & Erick's

This whole Summer, when Emilia was at dance practice, I would work around the neighborhood, because I wanted to buy her something, that meant a lot to her. At thirteen, there wasn't really anything for me to do, except mow lawns, and babysit. So thats what I did.

By mid July, I had already saved 400 dollars, I remember taking the city bus for an hour and half to get to the mall. I was so dedicated, I didn't know it then. But I was head over heals for Emilia. I went into the Jewelry store, as I eyed the necklace she's been wanting. I ordered it, and that was the end of it. I walked around the mall for a few to burn time, and I saw this small booth giving out flyers for a Show called La Banda, I had faint memory but I remember I auditioned, but I don't think they ever got back to me. I grabbed the flyer, and I headed out. 

I stared at it all night but I didn't want to tell anything to Emilia yet, Not until I knew what I wanted to do. How can I pick between a girl that I like with something that will kick off my career. My mom always seemed to have the best advice but all she told me this time was "Lo que decide te apoyaré".

Weeks went by, everyday I'd be with Emilia, and every night I would stare at the flyer, Until one night, I was laying in bed and got an email, saying that in just a few weeks I need to go to Miami for the second audition 

I made it, I felt so happy. I was so excited to tell Emilia, but I know I wouldn't be able to 

All summer, I've been working my heart out for dance competition, but somehow I still had time to see Erick, even though he's been acting strange for the past few weeks... He always came to see how I was doing, and every time I was with him, I was reminded how my feelings are growing, and I don't know how to stop them.

Today I'm seeing Emi, I haven't seen her all week because she's been having competitions. I wanted to go to one but the closest one was Georgia, which is out of state. So today I decided to make time for her, So I took her out to eat at her favorite restaurant. She ordered sushi, and I ordered myself pork fried rice.

"It's so good!" She giggled, as she enjoyed her food. "Thank you Erick for doing this for me." She smiled. 

How do I kill this, I'm leaving her all behind, but god I hope I'm making the right decision.

"Tengo algo a darte." I started to stand up "cierra tus ojos."

"Erick what are you doing?" she smiled as she put her hands over her eyes. I put the necklace over her, it was a chain with her name on it and in the back it had engraved "Te Quiero mi Chiquita Besos -Erick."

She opened her eyes "Erick what is this." Her smile was so big and she held it in her hand

"Es un Regalo para ti."

"Yeah, but Erick, this must have cost you so much." She starts feeling guilty

"No Emilia, this is for you. Because I love you. You're my best friend I honestly don't know what I'd do without you." I blushed, as my heart raced, God she makes me so happy. 

She hugged me so tightly "Erick I love you too." She kissed my cheek and I felt her smile, and as we pull away, we staring at each other Gray to Green, Forget the plans. She likes me and I like her, its meant to be. Nothing can pull us apart. And I lean in, she leans in too, and we kissed, her soft lips touch mine. 

Then it hits me

 This. Is. Going. To. Destroy. Her. 

I pulled away "Emilia, No puedo hacerate daño." She looks at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to a competition."

"So I go to competitions all the time and I'm back the next day." She shrugs off, I give her a serious face 

"Erick whats wrong you're scaring me." She gulped down

"I'm going to audition for La Banda." I finally said

She looks up and she takes a deep breath and Hugs me "I'm so happy for you Erick, I know this is your dream, I want you to live it. Don't let a silly girl like me, make you not live your dream." She pulls away from my embrace and walks out.

Erick is taking me out to eat today, I haven't seen him all week because I had competitions, and when I didn't I was either sleeping or practicing for the next. I'm so happy I get to see him, maybe today he'll clear up why he's been acting like this.

"Tengo algo a darte."He says, he starts getting up. Everything about him perfect even the way he talks.

I cover my eyes with my hands "Erick what are you doing?" I laughed. I felt something cold, metal like on my neck and then Erick turns around and I feel him staring at me, I open my eyes. and I see it, the Necklace I always talked about. "Erick what is this?" I felt it in my hand, I can't believe he did this for me..

"Es un regalo para ti." He smiled at me, his cute boyish smile, probably the most innocent thing about him

"Erick this must have cost you a fortune." I'm starting to feel bad because my parents never had the money to buy it, and now the boy that I've liked since April is giving it to me.

"No Emilia, this is for you. Because I love you. You're my best friend I honestly don't know what I'd do without you." He loves me, and I know its not the same feelings I have for him. I think about how all the girls wanted him when he first came but he only talked to me.

I hugged him so tightly. "Erick I love you so much." You have no idea... I kissed his cheeks and I'm stuck in his embraced until he pulls away and we're staring into each other eyes. He leans into me and he kisses me, and just in that moment, I feel him smile, maybe he does feel the same way about me. He suddenly pulls away.

"Emilia, No puedo hacerate daño."

I'm so confused, first you're gonna give me this expensive necklace, then kiss me and then tell me you can't hurt me???

"What do you mean?"

"i'm going to a competition."

It isn't even that big of a deal, he makes it sounds like he's leaving for months or not even coming back.

"So I go to competitions all the time and I'm back the next day."

He gives me his serious face and I rarely see it on him "Erick whats wrong you're scaring me."

"I'm going to audition for La Banda." he finally says

I've heard about that all over TV, and how you guys get to be in a band and travel, it is a big deal. He is going to be gone for months, hes not going to think about me. He's going to be focused in music. He won't have time for me. So I know what I had to do next "I'm so happy for you Erick, I know this is your dream, I  want you to live it. Don't let a silly girl like me, make you not live your dream." I pulled away from his hug and I left, 

My heart shattered in millions of pieces but I wanted him to be happy, but parts of me wish he'd chase me and say to be with him. But that didn't happen, and I continued walking home with my head down


Hey guys! I really hope you're enjoying the book. Anyways, I'm not really good at writing but I enjoy it so much. If you're not already.. Make sure to follow me on my instagram Gimmebackmiheart. Anyways, I'll be posting another chapter because I'll be very busy this weekend. I'll try to post frequently. I love you guys and I hope you have an amazing weekend

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