Chapter 6: New Friends, New Worries

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Liliana's P.O.V.

She's onto me. She knows I'm hiding something from her, and not just my romance with 'him'. What made me think I could last an entire friendship, without telling her anything about me? God, I'm so stupid. If only I could tell Olivia everything... I think I'm going to step outside to get some air.

Olivia's P.O.V.

I had been starting to regret things. Liliana was nothing but nice to me, except for in our 'little' fight. Maybe I shouldn't have questioned her. Maybe it was too personal. But, she didn't tell me anything, and that was really pushing my buttons. Also, why didn't she tell me anything? Was I not trustworthy enough? And what wasn't she telling me?

"Clean your room, Liv." Dad interrupted my thoughts.

"Fine." I huffed.

I walked upstairs to my room, dragging the laundry basket loaded with heaps of clothes, and socks, with me so I could put my folded clothes away in the correct drawers. Oh, how I love to clean. Note: That was sarcastic. Little miscellaneous things were scattered on top of my dressers and on my floor. I saw three bouncy balls on my dresser that were only 25 cents at "Old Navy" which at the time, looked like a giant gum ball. Then I picked up one of my beanie hats off the floor and went to put it on the coat rack downstairs. But when I was about to go downstairs, I noticed a lucky charm bracelet with the typical, cheesy, hearts, stars, and clovers. Liliana must have left it here from one of the many times as hung out here. I saw her wearing it a lot. I decided to just give it back to her at school tomorrow. Speaking of school, I've been hanging out with Annalise and her friend Evan. Evan was actually kind of handsome apart from his geeky fashion sense. He had brown hair that was long enough to flip, and a perfectly symmetrical face with a pair of dark brown eyes that you could get lost in, if it weren't for those oversized glasses. They are the sophomore nerds. Don't get me wrong, they're fun to hang with, but they never really made me feel special like Liliana did. I felt too misplaced around them. They were uber-smart, and they both were a grade level in math above 10th grade, so I felt kind of bad because I could never help them out with much. They had it all worked out all ready. Meanwhile, Liliana went back to her little group of the popular girls. They always giggled and gossiped. They seemed glad to have her back. Maybe she told them more than she told me...

"Only if it was summer yet." Annalise complained.

"I know! And then I will be able to drive." I said. I had already started to take driving courses, but my birthday was July 29th, so I couldn't really start driving until Junior year.

"Guys, it's only a half-month away." Evan rolled his eyes.

"I know, but I can't wait!" Annalise ranted after eating one of her soggy fries produced by the old women that were the school cafeteria cooks.

"How can you eat that, Anna?" Evan said looking disgusted.

"Evan, I'm not going to starve myself." Annalise informed him.

"Guys, have you seen Liliana around?" I wondered. I needed to return her bracelet.

"No, why?" Annalise asked suspiciously.

"When I was cleaning out my room yesterday, I found one of her bracelets on my floor, and I need to return it." I explained.

"Isn't she in your science class?" Evan asked.

"Not since they changed up our schedules at mid-semester. She's not in any of my classes anymore."

"She wasn't in chemistry for like, 3 days." Annalise told me.

"That's odd..." I said.

"Can't you drop it off at her house? You guys were really tight. And she's probably just sick." Evan budded in.

"Umm..." It was kind of embarrassing telling them I didn't know where my ex-best friend lived. "It's probably not a good idea seeing her now anyways. I'm still recovering from the fight we had. I'll just hold on to it until she gets back." I stated, making up an excuse.

"Okay, I understand." Phew! She bought it. "I'll let you know if I see her around." Annalise notified me.

"Me too." Evan said.

"Thanks guys. Well, I gotta get to PE, talk to you later." I waved goodbye. Something was telling me I should be worried about Liliana, and I was, but the truth was probably her just being sick. You can be sick for over a week, but she's only been gone a couple of days, so it's probably no big deal.

But is it?

Thanks so much for reading and getting me to 8 votes! (even though that's not much) You guys are the best! 11 votes, and I'll publish a new chapter. :)

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