Chapter 15: Montana Here I Come

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Olivia's P.O.V.

A couple of days ago, I passed my driver's test. I still had a week until my birthday though.

And I was going to the Violet Inn.

I left Dad a note that said, "I'm leaving for personal reasons. Won't be gone long. Please don't worry about me." Which I knew he would anyways. We had two vehicles; a minivan, and a car. My dad loved the little black car, so I took the tan colored minivan and took the GPS with me. Since I didn't know quite where I was going, I brought some money, a sandwich, a water, and a jacket in case it was cold.

I turned on the GPS, and started typing in "Violet Inn." Only one came up. "Violet Inn, MT." It read.

"Montana, here I come." I sighed.

The GPS guided me there with ease. It was a 6 hour drive, but I made it. Violet Inn was in a very small, deserted town in the middle of the mountains. By the time I got there, I had drank all my water and ate my entire sandwich.

Violet Inn was a small hotel. It wasn't quite what looked or felt like a five-star hotel. It was a dark brown building that was pretty tall and it looked pretty beat up. Inside it had dark brown leather furniture in the lobby with tan colored wall and dark brown wooden desk with a slightly chubby woman with glasses and short brown hair whipped up into a little ponytail standing behind it. She looked about mid 20's.

"Hello, my name is Laura. How may I help you?" She politely asked as I walked in. I could tell this was the lady behind the phone when I called.

"Hi..." I said not really knowing what to say. "I came here to visit my friend. I don't know if she is still here though. Her name is Liliana Brickshaw. If she's gone, do you know when or how long she was here?" I said, firing off questions.

"Sorry hon, I'm not allowed to give that information away. There's no confirmation that you're really a friend." She frowned. "Not that I don't believe you."

"It's okay..." I sighed.

I plopped down on the dark brown leather couch and tried to brainstorm, but the guy next to me interrupted me.

"Hey. Need help?" He randomly offered. He had blonde hair, not bleach blonde, but not dirty blonde, with blue-green eyes, and a fit body. I had to admit, he was a hottie.

"Umm, do I know you?" I scooted further away on the couch.

"No, I overheard your conversation. Not to be a creeper. But if what you need is really important, I could distract her for you. Get her out of her desk so you can snoop." He smiled.

"Are you crazy?! I would never--"

"Okay, okay. Just trying to help." The guy looked at me like I was overreacting.

Wait, I really had no other way to find out if Liliana was or is here.

"Actually, it is really important, and I can't think of any other way to get her out of the way...." I said a bit embarrassed.

He grinned and walked over to Laura. "Excuse me? But I need you to take a look in my room. There's an insect infestation!" He demanded. He was definitely a good actor.

"I'll be right with you." She said, grabbing a notepad and scurrying up to a room with him.

I looked to see if they were gone, which they were, and walked over to the desk. I looked for notes or any kind of log where there was a list of the people's names assigned for rooms. Nothing. But then I looked at the computer screen.

I opened up a tab with names and dates. Jackpot. Then, I scrolled up to the dates that went from the middle of May to the end.

There it was. It said Liliana Brickshaw had been here from May 17-19. Right when she went missing! Then there was a box that said history. I clicked on that. Several other dates appeared next to Liliana's name.

I tried to get a better look at the dates and the room numbers, but I heard Laura talking, so I quickly backed up to the page it was originally and ran to the couch.

"They must be gone now, but thanks for coming to take a peek." He smiled.

"No problem." She said rolling her eyes, as if she knew he was faking the whole time. The guy plopped back on the couch.

"Thanks!" I whispered. "You know, I never got a name."

"Brad." He said, holding out his hand, revealing his muscular arm.

"Olivia." I smiled, shaking it.

"So did you get what you needed?" He wondered.

"Yeah." I said. But the truth was, I wasn't quite sure what I needed.

"I think you owe me something now." He winked.

"Oh my gosh, I should've seen this coming. I'm so sorry, I don't have the money right now." I panicked.

Brad laughed. "I'm not asking for your money. How 'bout a cup of coffee at the café?" He grinned.

"Uhh, sure." I said reluctantly. "But if you don't mind, I'll drive myself."

"Whatever floats your boat." He chuckled.

Wait, I came here to get answers, but instead I get carried away and go on a date with a hot guy? After this little "date," no more Brad.

Hey guys, sorry I took so long! I've been really busy with vacations and back-to-school crap. Ugh. Anyways, 57 votes and a new chapter. Thanks WattPadders!

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