Try Dating Triplets

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  The music was really starting to get to me; maybe having a party tonight wasn’t such a good idea… I decided to go to my room so I could rest for a bit. I turned the music down a little so I might get some sleep. Dad was going to kill me!

  I opened my door and my face lit up, I was starting to say his name when I saw a flash of blonde, he was in my bed, he was my boyfriend, and he was sleeping with some blonde bimbo!

“I gave everything to you,” I barley finished my sentence because I was already spinning on my heel and running. I heard him calling to me, but it was muffled by the blood rushing through my veins. You only get one chance, and you blew it, I thought. I remembered I had his keys, well, a trade’s a trade, I thought, taking them out and walking outside. I clicked the button and got in the car. Plugging the keys into the ignition, I let my feelings start to pour through my eyes.

  I let the car take me where it would, which turned out to be the public park. I stepped out, feeling the cool air gave me a boost, and I managed to make it to the swing sets before I let the tears blur my vision. Everything, I thought. When I had finally stopped crying enough to see clearly, I realized it was already dawn.

  I can’t take it, I thought, and I plugged in the keys once more and drove home. I checked my phone to see fourteen new text messages, two of which were my dad, one was Wendy, my best friend, and the rest were all Damion, so I did the only logical thing I could, I threw my phone out the window.

  When I got home I ran straight to my room, packed my stuff, and scrounged all of the money I could before grabbing my emergency money wad. There was enough for a flight from Texas to California in here, I smiled. A new beginning, I thought. I rushed downstairs, my dad just walked in the door, I kissed him on the cheek and said, “I’m moving to Aunty Kaley’s.” then I to Damion’s car to the airport, not another word.

  Once in the air, I blew a kiss to Texas, to my dad, to Wendy, to my grandma, but most of all, to Damion. I decided I should try and get some sleep, I had made this journey a hundred times, I knew I’d be tired if I didn’t. Right before I drifted into the comfort of my dreams, I vowed, that I would no longer be Lindsay Fallhaven, that girl over there, but Lindsay Fallhaven, the girl that nobody walked over!


So…. This is from Lindsay’s P.o.v. I know I could just put them all in one book, but I would rather make you suffer, muhahahah! If you want the other P.o.v., they’ll be mentioned after the second, third, and fourth chapter! :D thanks for reading!

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